谁可以帮我人工翻译下面这些中文到英语?如果是在网站上面翻译出来的就免了!那个谁不会。 谁可以帮我将下面的中文翻译成英文?谢谢了!

作者&投稿:秘变 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
GuiYuanRou method (reference) : 1, can direct edible, fragrance, taste good. 2, GuiYuanRou peanuts sparerib soup: GuiYuanRou usage) (30 grams, red jujube ten goals to nuclear, peanut, ribs, cut into pieces, ginger 460 a, salt. (practice) (a) kernels with water to boil water, one hour. (2), red meat longan wash. (3) ribs in boiling water for 5 minutes, wash and drain dry drops. (4) water amount into twelve cup into the pot, peanut kernels and boil, add spareribs in longan, red jujube, meat, ginger, and bring to boil boil 3 hours, salt. Guangxi flesh congee: (materials) guangxi meat meat, glutinous rice 120 grams of 100 grams, (act) GuiYuanRou will remove impurities, chopped spare, glutinous rice wash into the pot; Half boiled water when GuiYuanRou joined together, can cook, (thickener) and its characteristics. Longan wine, GuiYuanRou 250 grams of raw materials (0.5 kilograms, 45 degrees of liquor. (production) GuiYuanRou will immerse in liquor, sealing 10, the supernatant cannot. (1) drink per day, 2 times, with the capacity to drink not drunk. GuiYuanRou, longan meat, southern China, is originated from the subtropical fruits of Jane A. Its name, the crown of guangxi longan. Han dynasty was used. Legend in south yue emperor ZhaoTuo tribute to HanGaoZu in longan. Cold-induced febride carrying longan. And the Its birth, form a description. For the health care efficacy, LiShiZhen said "food with li Branch, is beneficial for AIDS for good. "food longan cadastral also has recorded. This is common folk AIDS One for food.


谁的英语很好 能帮我把中文翻译成英语吗?下面就是要翻译的了~

I am really sorry. I cannot stay with you any more. I hope you can take care of yourself during the days I am not by your side. Please do not stay up late, and eat meals at time. Please don't dislike my being verbose. We have said that we shall be together forever before, I am sorry I don't kkep my words. Please promise me to live happily afterwards. The time when we are together is the happiest time.

Wine is drunk, have headaches, thought would be able to eliminate some of the pain. Vomited, wine solutions, head began to awake. But the wound is still bleeding, in pain! Knife water water flow, pub life worry worry themselves rarely have ever so drunk, it is because I feel sad, I feel lonely! Just this alone, that you miss, I slowly fell in love with the taste of alcohol. You'd love every day concern, look at you, accompany you............ But because I beat you I'm sick, so off and look at you. Oh you're so deep, care about you for so long, how much did you make things; but you don't know my heart, this is something that I love dearly. You ask why did I drink so drunk, what stimulus. Then, I finally feel your concern, I am very happy. But do you know what wine I'll drink, drunk for you? Heart with tears, tomorrow with a smile to look after you.........

答:GuiYuanRou method (reference) : 1, can direct edible, fragrance, taste good. 2, GuiYuanRou peanuts sparerib soup: GuiYuanRou usage) (30 grams, red jujube ten goals to nuclear, peanut, ribs, cut into pieces, ginger 460 a, salt. (practice) (a) kernels with water to boil wat...

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