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作者&投稿:勾咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In life there are many interesting things. Very often it occurs to us the wonderful time we have been through. Looking back, I find the military training most unforgettable.
One hot summer, with great expectations I joined the Military Training. When we put on our uniforms, all we could see was a vast neat meadow rather than each other’s face.
教官对我们非常严厉,所以我们必须服从他。教官会教我们一些比较简单的军训动作,还让我们分组惊醒练习,如果哪一组练习效果不好,将受到教官的批评和惩罚,比如:在热辣的地上做俯卧撑或者在炎热的太阳下原地站立半个小时或者围着操场跑十圈。或许这些惩罚在其他的季节很容易做到,但是这是夏天。天气非常闷热,太阳释放着它充足的能量,似乎要把这个世界吞噬,又似乎在挑战我们。汗水在我们脸上流着,我真的无法忍受这样,但是我们都知道that obedience is the first duty of duty of a soldier.
The army officer was very strict with us. We had to obey him. He taught us some basic military routines and then he divided us into groups. Whoever could not meet his demand would be criticized and punished to do sit-ups on the scorching ground or run ten laps in the playground. It might sound easy if all this happened in other seasons. But on a hot muggy summer day, we all felt that the sun seemed to emit all of its abundant energies. And it looked like it was about to challenge us and then to engulf all of us. It was really unbearable but we knew that obedience is the first duty of a soldier.

When we took a break, we were engaged in this Group Singing”. The loud and wonderful sound echoed every corner of the school. Everybody was happy and content. I gave a solo performance and I was given rapturous applauses for being courageous. I really felt happy.
After days of the Military Training, it made me realize that how happy I had always been. My parents always take good care of me. They feed me with good food. They never make me do any housework. I don’t even know how to do my own laundry. Still I had been grumpy and unhappy. I really feel ashamed of myself. Now I know that it was a great opportunity to test my will power and it was a turning point in my life. I am fully aware that happiness does not come easily. I truly appreciate what I have now.
I will cherish this wonderful memory for the rest of my life.

Many interesting things in life happen at any time, we often like to recall past events, So memorable event often ditch, we have fond memories! And let me the most memorable things it must be a military training! Hot summer, I visited emotion, the better the expectations and participated in the military training activities, we all wear uniforms, a clear As I am unable to see any one human face, we like rows of a large green is really spectacular!

Instructors very tough for us, so we must obey him. Instructors will teach us some simple movements of military training, we awoke to a practice, which group practice if the results are not satisfactory, will be instructors criticism and punishment, such as : the floor of the hot, or do push-ups in the hot sun to stand in situ around the playground or a half-hour run 10 laps. Perhaps these penalties in other seasons is very easy to do, but this is summer. The weather is very hot and the sun to its release sufficient energy, wants to swallow this world, there seems to be our challenge. We face the sweat flowing, I really can not tolerate this. However, we all know that obedience is the first duty of duty of a soldier.

The rest of the time, each of us also co-singing, and loud and lively voice was full of the whole school, a happy smile with every one of our face, the feeling of happiness is full of heart. I also performed the show alone, we have to applaud me, I admire the courage. I am really very happy.

After several days of training, I gradually realized how much happiness before, has always been to protect the parents. Guo were clothing to hand meals to the woman lives, has not yet tasted the bitter and even wash clothes will not, I blame the parents for poor really ashamed. I also know is a military training exercise their will a good opportunity for my life, a turning point, let me see the happiness does not come easily, so I know the value of life now! That is a beautiful memory, I will never are housed it!


Many interesting things in life happen at any time, we often like to recall past events, So memorable event often ditch, we have fond memories! And let me the most memorable things it must be a military training! Hot summer, I visited emotion, the better the expectations and participated in the military training activities, we all wear uniforms, a clear As I am unable to see any one human face, we like rows of a large green is really spectacular!

Instructors very tough for us, so we must obey him. Instructors will teach us some simple movements of military training, we awoke to a practice, which group practice if the results are not satisfactory, will be instructors criticism and punishment, such as : the floor of the hot, or do push-ups in the hot sun to stand in situ around the playground or a half-hour run 10 laps. Perhaps these penalties in other seasons is very easy to do, but this is summer. The weather is very hot and the sun to its release sufficient energy, wants to swallow this world, there seems to be our challenge. We face the sweat flowing, I really can not tolerate this. However, we all know that obedience is the first duty of duty of a soldier.

The rest of the time, each of us also co-singing, and loud and lively voice was full of the whole school, a happy smile with every one of our face, the feeling of happiness is full of heart. I also performed the show alone, we have to applaud me, I admire the courage. I am really very happy.

After several days of training, I gradually realized how much happiness before, has always been to protect the parents. Guo were clothing to hand meals to the woman lives, has not yet tasted the bitter and even wash clothes will not, I blame the parents for poor really ashamed. I also know is a military training exercise their will a good opportunity for my life, a turning point, let me see the happiness does not come easily, so I know the value of life now! That is a beautiful memory, I will never are housed it!





①岂:同“其”,代词,相当于“谁”。②岂:表示反诘语气,相当于“难道”。③释:放;策:马鞭子。④檠:(qíng)矫正弓弩的器具。反:反对,引申为“丢弃”。⑤谏:直言规劝,批评;圣:通达,明智。⑥受学:从师学习;重:重视,注重。⑦揉同“糅”,用熨木,通过人力加工,把曲的变直,直的变曲。⑧犀革:犀牛的皮制品。⑨括:箭的末端;羽:作动词用,即用羽毛装饰。⑩镞:(zú):箭头;砺:磨刀石,作动词用,即磨砺。 敬:感谢;命:吊问之词。





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