英文翻译,您好,很高兴收到您的留言。非常感谢您对我们产品的认可, 英语、日语翻译:首先感谢您长期以来对我公司产品的信任和支持!

作者&投稿:种聪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Hello, I am very glad to receive your message. Thank you very much for your recognition of our products, I have put your message to our manager. This is his mailbox, you can through the mail contact with him, he will provide our information related to you, and said they are willing to talk to you such a high-quality customers to achieve cooperation.

eaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who


答:Hello, I am very glad to receive your message. Thank you very much for your recognition of our products, I have put your message to our manager. This is his mailbox, you can through the mail contact with him, he will provide our information related to you, and said they a...

答:非常高兴收到您的邮件可以翻译成:I am glad for receiving your e-mail.更简单直接的,可以译成:Glad to hear from you!扩展内容:glad to:短语,意思为”很高兴”;例句:1. I'll be glad to show you everything 我将很乐意向你们展示一切。2. I'm very glad to see you.我见到你很...

答:Oh, hello! Really pleased to receive your mail. You have been asked many questions, I embarrassed! Ha ha! Main we live in different countries, all you are so interested! You can also ask me many questions of interest to you Yeah, huh, huh! Can be met in a big crowd rea...

答:翻译:1、I'm so glad to receive your letter.2、I am very glad to heard from you.例句:1、We'll be glad to hear from you, and take any proposal that facilitate trade into account.我们会很高兴地听到你方消息,并慎重考虑能达成交易的任何建议。2、Bill, I am glad to hear from...

答:I am very glad to receive your mail! Thank you for your reply.(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)Very glad to receive your mail! Thank you for your reply!(非常高兴收到您的邮件!感谢您的回复!)Very glad to receive your message! Thank you for your reply to!(非常高兴...

答:你好!你的问题是——很高兴收到你的来信。英语翻译可以用下面这些表达法——I am very glad to hear from you.or I am too pleased to hear from you.or I am fairly happy to receive you letter.or I am more than pleased to get a letter from you....

答:很高兴收到你的信。词汇解析:1、glad 英文发音:[ɡlæd]中文释义:adj.高兴;愉快;感激;感谢;乐意;情愿;愿意 例句:I'd be glad if the boys slept a little longer so I could do some ironing.孩子们要是再多睡会儿我就高兴了,那样我可以熨一下衣服。2、hear from 英文发音:[h...

答:很高兴收到你的来信。我写信是为了告诉你关于一些如何提高英语的事 翻译成为英语就是:I'm very glad to hear from you. I am writing to tell you something about how to improve your English.勤学好问,天天进步!加油!你是最棒的!

答:要特别正规的吗?I am very glad to receive your letter。I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

求翻译成英文 很高兴收到您的来信,非常感谢您于百忙之中发来如此详尽...
答:So glad to hear from you,I really appreciate your detailed reply and the document attached, i will arrive at your hotel in time.本来就很简单,为什么一定要写中式英语呢。无须直译