几个单词的英文翻译,。高手请进帮忙 求几个单词的英文翻译~高手请进!

作者&投稿:况琪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
休憩区 Rest area

演示区 demonstration area

洽谈区 Discussion area (讨论区)

办公区 Administration area

洗手间 Washroom

Office of project coordinate & leading group

Project coordinate & leading office即:项目协调领导办公室)

休憩区 Resting Section
演示区 Demonstration Section
洽谈区 Negotiation Section
办公区 Office Section
洗手间 Wash Room
项目协调领导小组办公室 Office of Project Arranging Leaders

休憩区 Rests the area
演示区 Demonstration area
洽谈区 Discussion area
办公区 Work area
洗手间 Washroom
项目协调领导小组办公室 Project coordination leading group office

rest area
demonstration area
negotiation area/communicating area
official business area
item agreement guidance office

休憩区 --Rest Area
演示区 --Demonstration Section
洽谈区 --Discussion Area
办公区 --Office Area
洗手间 --Wash Room
项目协调领导小组办公室 -- Project Cooridnate&Lead Office

休憩区---Rests the area 演示区---Demonstration 洽谈区---Discussion area 办公区---Office district 洗手间---Washroom
项目协调领导小组办公室---Project coordination leading group office


blue bottle; 肉蝇, 青蝇
sightseeing; 观光
ladybug; 瓢虫
pigtail; 马尾辫,辫子
easy-going; 容易相处的,随和的
time-consuming; 浪费时间的
well-informed; 消息灵通的, 熟悉的, 博识的, 见闻广博的
pickpocket; 扒手
watertight; 不漏水的, 水密的
round-the-clock; 全天的, 全天候的, 不分昼夜的, 连续不停的
fireproof; 耐火的, 防火的
breakdown; 崩溃, 衰弱, 细目分类
breakneck; 要使颈骨折断似的, 非常危险的
sit-in; 室内静坐抗议, 室内静坐罢工
color-blind; 色盲的
drive-in; n.免下车餐馆, 免下车电影院(顾客可坐在自己的车上购物、进餐、看电影等等)
dust-free; 无尘的
showcase; (商店或博物馆的玻璃)陈列橱, 显示优点的东西
whitewash; n.石灰水, 白色涂料, 白粉胶泥水, 涂脂抹粉;vt.用石灰水把...刷白
greenhouse; 温室
setback; 顿挫, 挫折, 退步, 逆流, (疾病的)复发
green hand; 生手, 没有经验的人
feedback; 反馈,回馈
dropout; 退学学生, 中途退学, 辍学学生
peacekeeping; 维护和平的;执行(或监督)停火协定的
drowfall; 应该是downfall(衰败, 垮台, 大雨, 落下)吧?

男歌手male singer
女歌手female singer

答:洗手间 Washroom (备注:这是一个单词,不能分开写)项目协调领导小组办公室 Office of project coordinate & leading group (备注:如果不把小组group放在里面,那么就可以翻译为:Project coordinate & leading office即:项目协调领导办公室)

答:blue bottle; 肉蝇, 青蝇 sightseeing; 观光 ladybug; 瓢虫 happy-go-happy应该是happy-go-lucky(无忧无虑)吧?pigtail; 马尾辫,辫子 easy-going; 容易相处的,随和的 time-consuming; 浪费时间的 well-informed; 消息灵通的, 熟悉的, 博识的, 见闻广博的 pickpocket; 扒手 watertight; 不漏水的,...

答:1.CD rack 2. coat stand hanger是一个一个的三角形的衣架,每个只能挂一件。rack 是平放的架子 stand 才是那种像树一样的,挂多件帽子、雨伞、大衣的 也叫大衣架

答:男歌手male singer 女歌手female singer

答:1 抵用券 vouchers 2 吸管 straw 3 调料 seasoning;flovoring 4 听装可乐(主要突出“听装”二字)canned coke 5 续杯 refill 6 点心勺---dessert spoon (中匙;点心匙)中柄勺---middle handle spoon 长柄勺---long handle spoon 汤勺---spoon 刀---knife 叉--- fork Do you need invoice?

答:标准翻译,请放心使用!1 抵用券 Cash coupon 2 吸管 Drinking Straws 3 调料 Condiments 4 听装可乐(主要突出“听装”二字) Coke in cans 5 续杯 Drinks refill 6 点心勺,中柄勺,长柄勺,汤勺,刀,叉 Dessert spoon, medium-handled spoon (coffee or tea spoon), long-handled spoon (cold...

答:Helping poor people to improve their living conditions. 帮助空力改善居住条件 Removing hunger. 消灭枪支 Preventing war. 阻止战争 Ensuring clean water supplies everywhere. 确保到得有净水供应 Improving the quality of education in the world. 提高世界教育质量 Preventing or curing disease such ...

答:1.Skillful computer commonly used software and hardware installation capacity, familiar with computer network and information security and other related knowledge.2.Familiar with the command functions of the linux environment, the system configuration installation, users and groups and bash shell...

答:backgrounds and can speak two languages are highly of demanded in the developing Asia 7 Some of the toilets still seems to be the dead corner in this sweeping activity 8 The hawker selling and shouting : come on , or you will miss it 呃 一句句翻译的 希望能帮到你 ...

英文翻译高手请进,三节棍真正的英文是什么?Three-section cudgel Thre...
答:three-sectional staff, triple staff, three-part staff, 日文英译又叫sansetsukon 中国传统武器,又名蟠龙棍,所以也可以翻译为coiling dragon staff 参考资料:维基百科 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-section_staff