
作者&投稿:芷仇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
We received your payment and are ready to ship the cargo. Please inform the shipping company of our shipment asap.

We have received your payment. Please inform the shipping company and we will deliver for shipping on a near day.

The payment is received already. Please inform the carrier we will arrange the shipment in a few days.

We've received the payment. Please keep the carrier informed that we'll arrange the delivery recently.

We take the pleasure to infirm you that we have recieve the payment. Please inform the carrier and we will effect the delivery in a few days.


In Henan Province, from April 15 to May 15, the commodity inspection departments now brushes export enterprises to conduct a comprehensive inspection, acceptance. Enterprises will be awarded to qualified new export code. We are now actively preparing for. Therefore, we have to be deferred pay Cargo time, we express our regret.

If only need 51mm-70mm size products, the price may be appropriately low, but the price you say is too low (90%), we can not accept, because we produce standard Chongqing brushes (90%).

答:pay 40% duty on your cost to my government 在所有范围内(所有项目中, 主要看具体语境了)我方愿继续. 但需要70-140mm. 再说一次, 贵方的价格必须要合理. 这样你们有钱赚, 我也不觉得吃了亏. 贵方须同意在贵方价格基础上我只付40%的本国关税(客户所在的国家. 这里意思就是你们要付60%)....


英语高手帮忙翻译 关于外贸函电的
答:13).The foreign trade corporation lodges a claim against the insurance company due to the goods with inferior quality (原句好像表达的不太明白,所以我理解为:这家外贸公司因这批货质量低劣而向保险公司提出索赔,不知道对不对~~)14). Please quote us the most favourable price CIF London ...

答:Please carrying the corporation contact with the boat as quickly as possible , they need you to provide the trust deed , and them is given in the facsimile as quickly as possible

答:1.我们的产品是基于福州离岸价。Our products are quoted on FOB Fuzhou.2.我们的产品最小起订量是每种至少100个(套),总数量是一个20尺柜The minimum order quantity is 100sets for each product, and the total is one 20GP container.3.如果你对我们网站的产品感兴趣,请用E-MAIL或MSN与...

答:快速成交价,4700万美圆是可以完成的,我们有完整的条款和详细的船况资料。出售给**以每天2万2千美金计价,并少于4。75PCT THE SHIP IS DUE TO ARRIVE IN DALRYMPLE/AUSTRALIA WHERE TODAY BUT DUE DUE TO:是由于的意思 BE DUE TO ARRIVE:预计到达。有任何关于外贸,航运方面问题,欢迎询问!

答:1.由于工厂最近的生产任务排得比较紧,所以耽误了你们产品的出货时间,对此我感到非常的抱歉,希望能得到您的谅解!1.Because the recent production task of the factory is arranged more urgently, has delayed producing the time of goods of your products, I feel very sorry, hope to get your...

答:我们需要刷子,订单很快就会下来 你们是否也有合成纤维,如果有的话请告知合成纤维的价格


答:首先我们澄清几点疑问:你的签发/生产周期是多长?尼公司的质量认证是哪个?(ISO 9001 或是其他)你的国际担保事件时多长?如果你产品的价格同样很使我们很感兴趣,那我们就很愿意和你的公司建立长期的商务关系,我们可以开始进行有利益的生意。发送给我你商品的最好价格的目录。