地球的简介(英文) 有没有关于地球的简介(英文),要大量的!

作者&投稿:代忠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The Earth is one of solar system nine planets, is star which the humanity lives. According to is away from the solar far and near idea, only far in Mercury and Venus, occupies third. It and sun's mean distance �?�? 96×10 kilometer (i.e. an astronomical unit), orbital eccentricity �?�? 16722. The Earth circles the earth axis rotation, also circles the solar revolution, but also along with solar system in interplaner space movement. The period of rotation is 23�? 6�?�?Second, equator rotation link speed �?�? 65 kilometers/seconds; The revolution cycle is 365�? On 564th, �? 65�?�?�? 0 seconds (1 sidereal year), revolution link speed �? 9�? 9 kilometers/seconds. The Earth is the equator prominent, two level of slightly flat near three axle ellipsoid of revolution body, is called the Earth ellipsoid body or the abbreviation geoid; Said strictly the Earth ellipsoid body is the Earth geoid shape. Root �? 971 year 15th session of international geodetic surveys the data which uses with the geophysics association resolution, Earth's long [onlinetranslation]
Radius �? 378�? 60 kilometers, semi-minor axis �? 356�? 55 kilometers, both �? 1�? 85 kilometers, its flatness �?�? 98�? 5 (=0�? 033529). Terrestrial equator perimeter �? 0075�? 96 kilometers, the longitude circle length is 40008�? 48 kilometers; Surface area �?�? 0×108 the square kilometer, in which sea area is 3�? 2×108 square kilometer, composition total area 70�?% Land area �?�? 9×108 square kilometer, composition total area 29�?%; Volume �?�? 83316×1012 the cubic kilometer, is the solar volume �?�? 300,000; Average density �?�? 18 grams/centimeters 3, in which mainland earth's crust upper formation average density is 2�? 7 grams/centimeters 3, the earth's crust base average density is 2�?Gram/centimeter 3. Earth's lumpy mass is 5�? 76×121 ton. Equator standard gravity acceleration �? 78�? 18 centimeters/seconds 2. [onlinetranslation]


The Earth is one of solar system nine planets, is star which the humanity lives. According to is away from the solar far and near idea, only far in Mercury and Venus, occupies third. It and sun's mean distance �?�? 96×10 kilometer (i.e. an astronomical unit), orbital eccentricity �?�? 16722. The Earth circles the earth axis rotation, also circles the solar revolution, but also along with solar system in interplaner space movement. The period of rotation is 23�? 6�?�?Second, equator rotation link speed �?�? 65 kilometers/seconds; The revolution cycle is 365�? On 564th, �? 65�?�?�? 0 seconds (1 sidereal year), revolution link speed �? 9�? 9 kilometers/seconds. The Earth is the equator prominent, two level of slightly flat near three axle ellipsoid of revolution body, is called the Earth ellipsoid body or the abbreviation geoid; Said strictly the Earth ellipsoid body is the Earth geoid shape. Root �? 971 year 15th session of international geodetic surveys the data which uses with the geophysics association resolution, Earth's long [onlinetranslation]
Radius �? 378�? 60 kilometers, semi-minor axis �? 356�? 55 kilometers, both �? 1�? 85 kilometers, its flatness �?�? 98�? 5 (=0�? 033529). Terrestrial equator perimeter �? 0075�? 96 kilometers, the longitude circle length is 40008�? 48 kilometers; Surface area �?�? 0×108 the square kilometer, in which sea area is 3�? 2×108 square kilometer, composition total area 70�?% Land area �?�? 9×108 square kilometer, composition total area 29�?%; Volume �?�? 83316×1012 the cubic kilometer, is the solar volume �?�? 300,000; Average density �?�? 18 grams/centimeters 3, in which mainland earth's crust upper formation average density is 2�? 7 grams/centimeters 3, the earth's crust base average density is 2�?Gram/centimeter 3. Earth's lumpy mass is 5�? 76×121 ton. Equator standard gravity acceleration �? 78�? 18 centimeters/seconds 2. [onlinetranslation]



earth id the third planet in distance outward from the Sun。

也就是一个太阳日,才能绕轴自转完一圈,让太阳再度通过中天。地球公转的平均速度大约是29.8 km/s(107000 km/h),7分钟内就可行进12742 km(7,918 mi),等同于地球的直径的距离;约3.5小时就能行进约384000千米的地月距离。




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