《简爱》作者夏洛蒂勃朗特的英文简介哪里有??? 求Charlotte Bronte(即夏洛蒂*勃朗特)的英文...

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Charlotte Bronte is an English woman writer. She and her two sisters, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte, are known as the "three Bronte sisters" in the history of English literature.

Charlotte was born in 1816 to a rural clergyman's family in Howard, Yorkshire, northern England. When her mother died young, Charlotte, eight, was sent to the Cowenqiao Boarding School for Women, a charitable institution for orphans of clergy.

At the age of 15, she attended Miss Wooller's school, where she became a teacher a few years later. Later she was a tutor, and eventually she devoted herself to the road of literary creation. 

In 1847, Charlotte Bronte published her novel Jane Eyre, which caused a sensation in the literary world.

From the autumn of 1848 to 1849, her brother and two sisters died one after another. 

Under the shadow and perplexity of death, she persisted in completing Shelley, expressing her sorrow for her sister Emily, and describing the early spontaneous movement of workers in England.

Her other works, Villette and Teacher, are based on her own life experience.











Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855), English writer noted for her novel Jane Eyre (1847), sister of Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte. The three sisters are almost as famous for their short, tragic lives as for their novels. In the past 40 years Charlotte Brontë's reputation has risen rapidly, and feminist criticism has done much to show that she was speaking up for oppressed women of every age.
Charlotte Brontë's reputation has risen rapidly, and feminist criticism has done much to show that she was speaking up for oppressed women of every age.

Charlotte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in the north of England, the daughter of an Anglican clergyman who moved with his family to Haworth amid the Yorkshire moors in 1820. After their mother and two eldest children died, Charlotte was left with her sisters Emily and Anne and brother Branwell to the care of their father, and their strict, religious aunt, Elisabeth Branwell. The children created imaginary kingdoms, which were built around Branwell's toy soldiers, and which inspired them to write continuing sagas about the fantasylands of Angria and Gondal.

Charlotte attended the Clergy Daughter's School at Cowan Bridge in 1824. She returned home next year because of the harsh conditions. In 1831 she went to school at Roe Head, where she later worked as a teacher. However, she fell ill, suffered from melancholia, and gave up this post. Charlotte's attempts to earn her living as a governess were hindered by her disabling shyness, her ignorance of normal children, and her yearning to be with her sisters.

The collection of poems, Poems By Currer, Ellis And Acton Bell (1846), which Charlotte wrote with her sisters, sold only two copies. By this time she had finished a novel; THE PROFESSOR, but it never found a publisher during her lifetime. Undeterred by this rejection, Charlotte began Jane Eyre, which appeared in 1847 and became an immediate success. Charlotte dedicated the book to William Makepeace Thackeray. The heroine is a penniless orphan who becomes a teacher, obtains a post as a governess, inherits money from an uncle, and marries the Byronic hero in the end.

Branwell and Emily died in 1848 and Anne died the following year. Although her identity was now well known, Charlotte continued to publish as Currer Bell. Jane Eyre was followed by Shirley (1848) and Vilette (1853). In Jane Eyre Charlotte used her experiences at the Evangelical school and as governess. The novel severely criticized the limited options open to educated but impoverished women. The title character from Shirley was an attempted ideal portrait of Emily. . Shirley was one of the first fully developed independent, brave, outspoken heroines in English literature.

In 1854 Charlotte Bronte married her father's curate, Arthur Bell Nicholls. She died during her pregnancy on March 31, 1855 in Haworth, Yorkshire. The Professor was posthumously published in 1857.


夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte,1816-1855),英国小说家,生于贫苦的牧师家庭,曾在寄宿学校学习,后任教师和家庭教师。1847年,夏洛蒂·勃朗特出版著名的长篇小说《简·爱》,轰动文坛。1848年秋到1849年她的弟弟和两个妹妹相继去世。在死亡的阴影和困惑下,她坚持完成了《谢利》一书,寄托了她对妹妹艾米莉的哀思,并描写了英国早期自发的工人运动。她另有作品《维莱特》(1853)和《教师》(1857),这两部作品均根据其本人生活经历写成。夏洛蒂·勃朗特善于以抒情的笔法描写自然景物,作品具有浓厚的感情色彩
Charlotte bront? (Charlotte Bronte, 1816, 1855), British novelist, was born in the poor family pastor, who had been in a boarding school, and later appointed as teachers and family teacher. In 1847, charlotte Bronte publishing famous's novel "Jane eyre" is a literary world. In the fall of 1848 to 1849 years her younger brother and two sisters died. In the shadow of death and confused, she managed to complete the book "Shelley, her sister emilie on to their grief, and describes the early British spontaneous workers' movement. Her work "d" otherwise Wright (1853) and "teacher" (1857), the two works are based on the experiences of life I. Charlotte bront? Good at in a lyric prose style of describing nature scenery, the work of strong emotional


Charlotte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire in 1816. Mrs. Bronte died of cancer,Charlotte was sent with three of her sisters, Emily, Maria, and Elizabeth, to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire when she was 8 years old. Its poor conditions and hastened the deaths of her two elder sisters Maria and Elizabeth who died of tuberculosis.In May 1846, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell.Although only two copies were sold, the sisters continued writing for publication and began their first novels.Jane EyreCharlotte's brother, Branwell, died of sick in September 1848.Emily and Anne both died of pulmonary tuberculosis respectively. then she was persuaded by her publisher to visit London occasionally, becoming friends with Harriet Martineau and Elizabeth Gaskell. In June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls.But soon Charlotte died, along with her unborn child, on 31 March 1855, at the young age of 38.


答:十九世纪中期,英国伟大的女性存在主义先驱,著名作家夏洛蒂勃朗特创作出了她的代表作--《简爱》,当时轰动了整个文坛,直到现在它的影响还继续存在。在作品的序幕、发展、 *** 和结尾中,女主人公的叛逆、自由、平等、自尊、纯洁的个性都是各个重点章节的主旨,而这些主旨则在女主人公的爱情观中被展露的淋漓尽致,它们...


夏洛蒂.勃朗特简介_夏洛蒂勃朗特英文简介_夏洛蒂·勃朗特 翻译_百度知...

答:《简爱》24名主要人物 (1) Jane Eyre: The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby.简· 爱:女主角,孤儿 (2) Mr. Reed: Jane's maternal uncle.里德先生: 简的舅舅 (3) Mrs. Sarah Reed: Jane's aunt by marriage, who resides at Gateshead.莎拉 · 里德:简的舅母,...

答:#734376 简爱英语著作读后感1000字2 《简爱》是一部带有自转色彩的小说,它告诉人们一个人生的真谛。 《简爱》的作者夏洛蒂勃朗特温柔,清纯,喜欢追求一些完美的东西,尽管她家境贫穷,从小失去了母爱,再加上她身材矮小,容貌不出众,但也许就是这样一种灵魂深处的自卑,反映在她的性格上就是一种十分敏感的自尊。她描述...

答:1、《简·爱》是英国十九世纪著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,人们普遍认为《简·爱》 是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平”的写照 简·爱的父亲是个穷牧师,当她还在幼年时,父母就染病双双去世。简·爱被送到盖茨海德庄园的舅母里德太太家抚养,里德先生临死前曾嘱咐妻子好好照顾简·爱。简·爱在...


...小说《简爱》著称于世的英国女作家夏洛蒂 勃朗特,堪称逆境成才的典范...
