
作者&投稿:秦蒋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
【 #小学英语# 导语】芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是 为大家整理的《小学四年级阅读理解【三篇】》 供您查阅。


The wolf and the sheep

  One day a sheep is drinking water near a river. A wolf sees the sheep and wants to eat it very much. He says to the sheep, “You make my water dirty. I can’t drink it now.” The sheep says, “I am far away from you. How can I make your water dirty?” The wolf has nothing to say.

  Then the wolf has another idea. He says to the sheep, “Last year you said something bad behind me.” They sheep cries, “No, I didn’t. I wasn’t born at that time.”

  “Then it must be your daddy,” the wolf says. Then it rushes towards the sheep and eats it.


  1. A sheep is __________ water near a river.

  2. A wolf wants to ________ the sheep.

  3. Last year you ________ something bad behind me.

  4. The wolf rushes _______ the sheep and eats it.

  5. The sheep is far away _______ the wolf.








The toy show

  It’s Children’s Day today. Every student is happy. They bring their toys to the classroom and have a toy show.

  There is a small toy car on the desk. It can run very fast. It’s Peter’s favorite toy. Lily has a lovely doll. It is on the chair. The doll has golden hair and blue eyes. It wears a dress. Look at the plane on the shelf. Mike says it can fly. There is a man in it. And there is a boat on the desk. It is not big, but it’s new. Zhou Jie likes it very much.

  There are so many toys. They are all beautiful. The students play with the toys happily.


  ( )1. What day is today? Today is ______.

  A. Children’s Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Spring Festival

  ( )2. What color are the doll’s eyes? They are ______

  A. brown B. black C. blue

  ( )3. Where is the plane? It’s _______

  A. on the desk B. on the chair C. on the shelf

  ( )4. What’s Zhou Jie’s favorite toy? It’s a ______.

  A. plane B. boat C. car

  ( )5. Is the boat new?

  A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it does







Our Class

  This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together.

  I. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(错)

  ( )1. There is an American boy in our class.

  ( )2. Mary is an English girl.

  ( )3. She likes rice, tea, and bread.

  ( )4. We are good friends.

  ( )5. There are twenty-four girls in our class.

  II. 在A, B, C中选出一个答案

  ( )1. How many students are there in the class?

  A. Twenty-five B. Fifty-five C. Fifty

  ( )2. What does Mary like eating?

  A.hamburger B.hot dog C.Cakes and bread

  ( )3. What does she like drinking?

  A. Apple juice. B. Cola C. Orange juice and milk

  ( )4. What do the Chinese students like eating and drinking?

  A. Rice and tea B. Bread and milk C. Bread

  I. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(错)






  II. 在A, B, C中选出一个答案






答:The wolf and the sheep One day a sheep is drinking water near a river. A wolf sees the sheep and wants to eat it very much. He says to the sheep, “You make my water dirty. I can’t drink it now.” The sheep says, “I am far away from you. How can I make you...

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答:1. A sheep is ___ water near a river.2. A wolf wants to ___ the sheep.3. Last year you ___ something bad behind me.4. The wolf rushes ___ the sheep and eats it.5. The sheep is far away ___ the wolf.第二篇:It’s Children’s Day today. Every s...

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