一篇承德避暑山庄的英文介绍 承德避暑山庄的英文

作者&投稿:仝钓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor Kangxi in 1703 and lasting through the greater part of Emperor Qianlong’s reign. The Imperial Summer Villa often saw use as a de facto second capital as Kangxi set a precedent followed by Qianlong and a succession of other Qing emperors of spending much of the year at the garden. In 1994, the Imperial Summer Villa became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.



Chengde Mountain Resort was the emperor's Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty in china. 180 km from Beijing. By the emperor palace, royal gardens and magnificent temples. Mountain Resort is located in downtown Chengde to the north, Wulie River west area narrow Chengde Mountain Resort plaque Valley, villa construction layout can be roughly divided into two parts the palace area and park area, garden area can be divided into lakes, plain and mountainous part three. In 72 king Kangxi version of the emperor. Have a house, building, hall, hall, pavilion, pavilion, pavilion, Xuan, vegetarian, temple building of more than one place. China is the three largest ancient building complex, its greatest feature is the garden, in the garden hill. The Mountain Resort was built, the Qing emperor every year a large number of time in dealing with military and political events, receiving foreign envoys and frontier minority political leader. It occurs in a series of important events, important relics and artifacts, become Chinese multi-ethnic unified country finally the formation of historical testimony.

The Mountain Resort and the surrounding temples is a closely related organic whole, but also has a different style of strong contrast, Mountain Resort of elegant simplicity, its surrounding temples beautiful decoration. This is the Qing emperor one of important measures in handling ethnic relations. Due to the presence of numerous groups of historical and cultural heritage, the Mountain Resort and the surrounding temples became a national key cultural relics protection units, the ten major scenic spots, and forty-four scenic protection area, Chengde also became the first batch of twenty-four national historical and cultural city. The Mountain Resort and the the Summer Palace in Beijing, Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Lingering Garden in Suzhou and called the four famous gardens. The old version of the television series" Huanzhugege" first, two or three, were shot in Chengde Mountain Resort, Hill's amidst the floor is" wash Fang Zhai". In 2011" China tourism scenic spot among the 100" list, ranked sixty-first.
下面是中文:承德避暑山庄曾是中国清朝皇帝的夏宫。距离北京180公里。是由皇帝宫室、皇家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群所组成。避暑山庄位于承德市中心区以北,武烈河西岸一带狭长的 承德避暑山庄牌匾谷地上,山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。内有康熙乾隆钦定的72景。拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺等建筑一百余处。是中国三大古建筑群之一,它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。避暑山庄兴建后,清帝每年都有大量时间在此处理军政要事,接见外国使节和边疆少数民族政教首领。这里发生的一系例重要事件、重要遗迹和重要文物,成为中国多民族统一国家最后形成的历史见证。

Chengde Summer Resort
英 [ˈsʌmə(r)] 美 [ˈsʌmɚ]
英 [rɪˈzɔ:t] 美 [rɪˈzɔ:rt]
Mountain Resort and its outlying Temples of Chengde is located in Chengde City, Hebei Province.


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答:Chengde Mountain Resort was the emperor's Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty in china. 180 km from Beijing. By the emperor palace, royal gardens and magnificent temples. Mountain Resort is located in downtown Chengde to the north, Wulie River west area narrow Chengde Mountain Resort...

答:The Imperial Summer Villa of Chengde Introduction The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor K...

答:The Imperial Summer Villa of Chengde Introduction The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor K...

答:the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort 避暑山庄 the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort 通常,滑雪者或滑雪运动员在避暑山庄留心索道的唯一时刻就是其中一个不能使用的时候。Usually, the only time skiers or snowboarders notice the lifts in a mountain resort is when one of them doesn't work.Provide...

答:Introduction The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor Kangxi in 1703 and lasting through the...

求一篇对承德避暑山庄的大体介绍,英文的! 不用多,200词就可以~ 总体介 ...
答:Summer resort in qing dynasty is the symbol of the kang, dry time. As a home builder of kangxi, qianlong, had six next jiangnan, traverse the world the beauty of the scenery. Built in summer home, steal many long, fusion north and south China garden style for an organic ...

答:回答:1.Imperial Summer Resort 避暑山庄收藏指正 2.Museum of Mountain Hamlet for Escaping Heat, Chengde 承德避暑山庄博物馆收藏指正 3.Mountain Resort and its outlying Temples of Chengde is located in Chengde City, Hebei Province. 承德避暑山庄及其周围寺庙位于河北省承德市。收藏指正 4....

根据中文 写关于承德避暑山庄的英语100字作文。
答:Chengde Mountain Resort is a famous tourist destination, tourists greatly , especially in the holidays . But few people do not pay attention to environmental protection, through the efforts of local people , the situation has greatly improved .Bad behavior in the past Spitting , ...

答:请将下面这段话翻译成英文:承德避暑山庄(the Chengde Mountain Resort)是淸代皇帝避暑和处理政务的场所。它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。避暑山庄宫殿区位于湖泊南岸,地形(terrain)平坦,是皇帝处理朝政、举行庆典和生活起居的地方。整个山庄东南多水,西北多山,是中国自然地貌的缩影(microcosm)。山...