
作者&投稿:梁储 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.How was your long holiday?
Just so so .
2. He did some interesting things during the long holiday.
3. We had an picnic interestedly the day before yesterday.
4.During the holidays, the markets/ shops are very crowded.
5. I stayed at home for a whole day yesterday.
6. The class is finished.
7.Did you have a good time during the long holiday?
Have you had a nice holiday?
8.He has a lot of things to do everyday but he did nothing yesterday.
9.I watched a very interesting debating/chatting show last night.
10. Do you like/enjoy reading books of history?
No , I do not, I think they are too boring.

How was your long holiday? Just so-so

He did sth. interesting during the long holiday/
The day before yesterday, we held an interesting picnic.


1.what will happen in the world of future?
2.I don't know what the future will be like.

Oh, I see you.

答:1.How was your long holiday?Just so so .2. He did some interesting things during the long holiday.3. We had an picnic interestedly the day before yesterday.4.During the holidays, the markets/ shops are very crowded.5. I stayed at home for a whole day yesterday.6. The cla...

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大师请进来 指教
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