
作者&投稿:人受 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'd like to have a haircut which will make me look nice. Keep my long hair properly so that I needn't have my hair cut frequently.

Help translation sentence, go to cut hair time to use:
"I want shear a hair longer more good-looking hair style, please shear a hair style for suiting for me;Shear me perhaps need not the hair style usually cut hair."
Not necessarily want one the word is a translation, probably meaning to go.

I want to cut my hair that it looks attractive.
Help me to choose a hairstyle that is suit for me,or cut it I'm not often to be,Please!

Please give me a long cut that suits me or cut it in a way that I don't need to comb my hair often.




It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。

答:I'd like to have a haircut which will make me look nice. Keep my long hair properly so that I needn't have my hair cut frequently.

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