求个初中水平的介绍北京颐和园的英文作文,100词左右! 介绍北京的英语作文 100词左右

作者&投稿:禹程 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
two hundred and ninety hectares. Use of kunming lake and longevity hill for base, hangzhou west lake scenery as the chief, and draw some of the jiangnan landscape design technique and artistic conception and built a large natural ShanShuiYuan, also is the best preserved complete a royal palace YuYuan, known as the royal garden museum.
One of the main scenic spots have longevity hill and kunming lake, eastern, such as (.


The Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) is a palace in Beijing, China.
The initial construction of the Summer Palace began in 1750. Artisans reproduced the garden architecture styles of various palaces in China.

It was ransacked, together with the Old Summer Palace in 1860 by French and British troops during the second Opium War. In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi diverted 30 million taels of silver, said to be originally designated for the Chinese navy, into the reconstruction and enlargement of the Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace has been listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites.


the summer palace
good morning ladies and gentlemen:
my name is joanne. i’m very honored to be youre guide. i do hope all of you could like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. this morning we are going to visit the summer palace.
the summer palace is located on the northwest suburbs of beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of the city. so it will take us about 1 hour to get there. before we arrived at the summer palace, i would like to introduce you a brief introduction of the woderful imperial garden. the summer palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden existing in chinan, and it is the best-preserved imperial garden in the world. in 1998, it was placed on the list of world cultural heritage by the unesco.
the summer palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of 12th century in the jin dynasty. the construction continued to the yuan and ming dynasties. in the qing dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached its culmination. during emperor qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘three hills and five gardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of beijing. the summer palace was a part of it and at that time was called the garden of clear ripples. in 1860, the anglo-french allied forces invaded beijing. the ‘three hills and five gardens’ were burnt down to ashes.
in 1888, the empress dowager cixi spent the navy fund having the garden of clear ripples rebuilt. and then she renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace).
in 1900, the allied forces of eight powers invaded beijing. the summer palace was once again severely damaged. it was rebuilt again in 1902.
in 1924, the last emperor puyi was driven out of the palace, after that, the summer palace was turned into a public park.
ladies and gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway. it is called “emptiness and the collection of excelle nce”, and it is the first scenery of the summer palace. the two chinese words on the front side of the archway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. the two words on the back side mean collection of excellence and refer to the tranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the east palace gate)
now, we have arrived at the east palace gate. it’s the main entrance of the summer palace. on top of the gate there is a plaque with three chinese characters ‘the summer palace’ in emperor guangxu’s handwriting. the gate that we are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the old days.

(inside the east palace gate)
now we are inside the summer palace. in front of us is the second gate of the summer palace— the gate of benevolence and longevity. the annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the privy council. well, before we start our tour in the garden, i will briefly introduce you the layout of the summer palace and our tour route. o.k., ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention please? let’s look at the map together, from it we can see the summer palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies the three-fourths. the whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was for political activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and end off the marble boat. on the way, we will visit the main constructions of the summer palace, such as the hall of jade ripples, the hall of happiness and longevity, the long corridor, the hall of dispelling clouds and so on. it will take us about two hours to visit the summer palace. please attention, we won’t walk back and our driver will pick us up at the north gate. should you get lost or separated from the group, please meet us at the north gate.

  As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china。So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold . The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for it's beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .If you want to have a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place.When you feel tired after one day's journey ,you can taste the "Zha Jiang Mian",a kind of traditional food in Beijing.There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park ,visit the"Si He Yuan"and so Beijing is China's second largest city, after Shanghai. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognised as the political, educational, and cultural center of the People's Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields. The city will host the 2008 Summer Olympics.




英译中 颐和园简介
答:Qing imperial Summer Palace was originally a palace and garden, formerly the Qing Yi Park is the Three Mountains Park in the last five built a garden, built in 1750, built in 1764, an area of 290 ...

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答:view from the top or look at the big halls or visit small gardens. The best time to visit the park is spring or autumn.【楼主】此篇文章符合您初中英语水平,本人手写,若觉得满意,望多多支持哈!!!


颐和园简介 50字

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