enchanted的原唱是谁?owl city还是taylor? Enchanted 到底是谁的原唱?

作者&投稿:狄实 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
原唱taylor 翻唱owl city

Owl City承认了。Taylor的Enchanted就是写给他的,Owl City的真名叫做Adam Young,Taylor的enchanted的歌词本暗语拼起来就是A-D-A-M,Owl City录制这首歌时还改了歌词,最后一句话就是“And i just wish you knew taylor i was so in love with you”(我只是希望你知道Taylor我是那么地爱你)

是taylor.这首歌是魔法奇缘这个电影的主题曲,特意找taylor唱的因为只有她能唱出那个神奇的感觉.owl city翻唱 因为和taylor是好朋友 有些媒体说他们暧昧 其实只是互相欣赏而已



Taylor Swift的enchanted和Owl City的enchanted是一个调子,请问~

enchanted这首歌是 4座葛莱美得主、2008与2009全美年度专辑销售最高歌手-「国民小公主」taylor swift 于2010年10月25日发行第3张专辑 专辑中第9首歌。
而后来被翻唱 我也很喜欢这首歌 具体的故事是这样的
Adam Young承认了。Taylor的Enchanted就是写给他的,Taylor的enchanted的歌词本暗语拼起来就是A-D-A-M,Adam Young录制这首歌时还改了歌词,最后一句话就是“And i just wish you knew taylor i was so in love with you”(我只是希望你知道Taylor我是那么地爱你)
据说两人是曾经见过一面,好像只是一面而已……但是就一见钟情了= =虽然有点童话色彩但是的确是真的
Adam Young还给Taylor Swift写了一封信:
Dearest Taylor,
I'll be the first to admit i'm rather shy boy and since music is the most eloquent form of communication i can muster,i decided to record sth for u -- as sort of a "reply" to the breathtaking song on your current record.This is what i wanted so badly to tell you in person but could never quite put into words:
Everything about you is lovely.You're an immensely charming girl with a beautiful hear and more grace and elegance than i know how to describe.You are a true princess from a dreamy fairytale,and above all,i just want you to know...I WAS ENCHANTED TO MEET YOU TOO.
Owl City个人主页上的日记:
Dear Taylor
On February 14th, 2011 by Adam Young
One blustery evening last October, I waited impatiently until the clock tolled midnight and then promptly bought Taylor Swift’s new record on iTunes. I played it in the kitchen, I played it in the car, I played it at the studio, I played it on flights to Japan and back; I just couldn’t keep away from it. Speak Now was the indisputable leader of my “top 5〃 record list of 2010, which is slightly ironic because the other four albums were abstract experimental/post-rock/ambient works.
I always love decoding the sneaky secret messages hidden in Taylor’s written lyrics, so naturally the day Speak Now came out, I played the whole thing from top to bottom as I added up the capital letters per each song’s set of lyrics.
As track 8 came to a close and the album switched over to track 9 (a breathtaking song called Enchanted and one of my favorites on the entire record), something began to feel curiously “familiar.”
I couldn’t put my finger on it. Why did the song feel so personal? Why was it ringing a bell? Perhaps it was merely the word “wonderstruck” that indeed struck a sweet chord, but before the second chorus hit, I’d already added up the letters:
And then it hit me like a freight train. I didn’t even need to find that last letter “M.” A colorful swirl of memories flashed before my eyes as it all added up. My jaw hit the floor.
The track is absolutely gorgeous and I’m so tremendously honored that Taylor would write such an elegant song and thereby offer a gracious nod in my direction. Needless to say, I was lost for words and utterly smitten. I couldn’t stop smiling.
I figured such an eloquent gesture should be reciprocated by the most polite, heartfelt and respectful response I could possibly muster. It’s no secret that I’m a bit shy, so naturally music was the most articulate way of attempting such a sincere endeavor. How does one respond to such a personal outpouring of emotion and sentiment? I tossed and turned over that one.
They say “timing is everything” and that brings us to now. Today is Valentine’s Day.
Adam Young写于2011年2月14日
去年十月份的一个狂风大作的晚上,我耐心的等着时钟转过午夜,然后在iTunes上购买了Taylor Swift的新专辑。Speak Now是我2010年最喜欢的5张专辑中最喜欢的一张,这有一点奇怪,因为另外四张专辑是abstract experiment/post-rock/ambient works。(这应该是什么风格之类的吧…不会译…)
我一直喜欢解开Taylor歌词中隐藏的秘密信息,所以很自然地,当Speak Now面世的时候,我把所有的歌曲播放,从第一首到最后一首,将每一首歌歌词中的关键词放在一起。当第8首歌放完,专辑开始播放第9首(一首激动人心的歌——Enchanted,这也是整张专辑中我最喜欢的一首)时,一些东西让我觉得非常熟悉。

原唱是Taylor Swift,这首歌灵感来源于adam young,收录在她的第三张专辑speak now。在今年情人节的时候adam young翻唱了这首歌,向taylor示爱,但taylor至今没有回应。

答:“N'ChanTEd【诱惑】•CuttIE"‘憇吣’尐^^装-岢-怜_*【囡亼 菋】……齩①ロ•緈鍢……•Bu•想•恋^^嗳•{笨蛋+儍瓜}=藕he伱莪"N"伱= 緈鍢di未来~【…乖乖…囡】_吥^想^长^�_《_嗳、已盳》、低调啲•【拽】【呼唤→死榊←】死盳の_使唤""_死盳笔记_【DeATH's CaLL】 ...

QQ名字啊!我要非主流 繁…… 有要求的 追加15!! 不要乱进!!
答:Ren"见亼|、嗳·莪、hEn ロ嗳|"_萢_沫_""·恋 仩 非 紸 流·“N'Chan【诱惑】·CuttIE"‘憇吣’尐^^装-岢-怜_*【囡亼 菋】……齩①ロ·緈鍢……·Bu·想·恋^^嗳·{笨蛋+儍瓜}=藕he伱莪"N"伱= 緈鍢di未来~【…乖乖…囡】_吥^想^长^�_灬独特ヤ乖乖 '.鈊酸'...

答:chant释义:n. 圣歌;赞美诗;旋律;喊叫 v. 吟唱;诵扬;叫喊 读音:英 [tʃɑːnt] 美 [tʃænt]单词变形:1、副词: chantingly 2、过去式: chanted 3、过去分词: chanted 4、现在分词: chanting 5、第三人称单数: chants 双语例句:The angels chant the chorus all...

答:chant的意思是:赞美诗;旋律;喊叫 一、读音:英 [tʃɑːnt]     美 [tʃænt]二、意思是:n. 圣歌;赞美诗;旋律;喊叫 v. 吟唱;诵扬;叫喊 三、词汇搭配:Gregorian chant 〈宗〉格列高利圣咏... chant horses 骗卖 四、例句:The chant of the crowd was ...

答:其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。例如:Birds were already singing in the garden.(小鸟已经在花园里歌唱了。)chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。例如:The choir chanted in the background.(唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗。)...

答:其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。例如:Birds were already singing in the garden.(小鸟已经在花园里歌唱了。)chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。例如:The choir chanted in the background.(唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗。)...

答:其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。例如:Birds were already singing in the garden.(小鸟已经在花园里歌唱了。)chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。例如:The choir chanted in the background.(唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗。)...

答:其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。例如:Birds were already singing in the garden.(小鸟已经在花园里歌唱了。)chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。例如:The choir chanted in the background.(唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗。)...

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