英语高手请进,这是一封邮件麻烦您翻译一下 英语高手请进,麻烦翻译一下,,,急啊啊啊

作者&投稿:乐正固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
你是访客的rettail softwaree商店?我们知道您ooverpaying : -方块m anuufacturing-光盘-s al eesperson薪金- re nn t店铺sp ac ce-yye ar到今年in c cr easing税,在您的c o u n t try那么,是什么呢? !您可以dowwnload evverything法律现在! faabulous范围softwaree和低价格会使您的笑容并保存您的钱!欢迎gvardetion的[ x ]的COM (取代的[ x ] “ 。 ”和类型的网址在浏览器中)的英语来的价格




Sorry for your inconvenience , after discussing with Shipment company, we decide to put the shipment date on Nov 10th, which both containers set out together. All decision is for your earlirt receptance of cargo. Thx for your patient waiting!

Thank you very much for your Christmas card as well as your care and greetings. I’m very happy to receive your letters, what about your parents and you living there? Is everything well?
I know that your Christmas is equal to our Sping Festival, I can feel your happiness. Now in China, Christmas is more and more popular, especially among the young. They would send card each other, or some lovers would give flowers as gifts and eat dinner together.
Our Spring Festival is approaching, I’m wondering if you remember something about the Spring Fetival? Spring Fetival is our tradition festival, all the family members will get together to have a toast and greet each other. It must be very lively, it’s a pity that you can’t celebrate with us. Hope you can come back sooner.
I’m happy to hear that all your family is good. My grandparents are good, too, they always go walking and climbe the mountainings, they often exercise with chen yan and live happily. They remind of you usually ,they hope me to learn from you, to study hard and go to a famous university. Of course, they also hope your parent all smooth and keep healthy.
And about chen yan, chen tao and chen yu , in Chinese “chen yan “spelled like this, I know you may remember this. We are all good at school, both study and living and we also hope you can be smooth in everything.
About your pictures, we like them very much, hope you can send us more next time, because we’re interested in England very much. On the meanwhile, I ‘ll collect the picture here, hope you know more about our hometown and have more interest in Chinese culture.
I’d like to watch the football game in England very much, especially betweem Chelsea and Manchester United, hope in the future I can go to see it. Have ever watched some? Do you have the pictures? If you have, please send me some, and we can often write to communicate about this.
Looking forward to your letter soon. Finally, wish you keep healthy and happy everyday!

答:有些汉字不能正确显示,你自己需要改写一下繁体。邮件标题 ご送付の件について 正文 拝启、贵社ますますご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。平素は格别のお引立てを赐り、厚くお礼申し上げます。さて、3月9日付にて弊社より资料をお送りいたしましたが、ご确认お愿い申し上げます。

答:悠君:悠君、こんにちは、お元気ですか 是啊,我叫李昊,所以你可以叫我昊君。そうですね、私は李昊と申します、だから昊って呼んでもいいです。现在开始,你就是我的日语老师了。これから悠君は私の日本语の先生になるよ 悠老师,以后请多多关照了。悠先生、これからよろしくお愿いし...

答:最近我们有一批订单,此订单要求该产品以100%纯棉和2/2的高密度高质量的纤维,织成斜纹布,用于男士夹克,而且无需按M&S8的标准生产;实际上也就是说每一件产品都必须严格按照M&S8的标准生产。该产品的纤维的大致结构为长*宽*厚度(215*100*402/2),且每一行都为桃红色,重量达到 185 gsm.或者您...

答:发现一个永久性的错误。对不起,它无法被发送到你的收件人手中。 <wangyingacca@hotmail.com> :连接到65.54.244.104 ,但连接失败。 我不打算再试一次;这个讯息已在等待中太长时间了。你的邮件除了问题吗,建议换一个和收件人同一个网站的邮箱,,麻烦一点也别误事儿 祝好 ...


答:やっと、勇気を出して メールを出したのです。私の日本语を下手ですが、どうか助けて下さい。今後 ご都合がいい时 日本语で话したり、 メールで交流したりしたいです。たいへんお邪魔をしたと思いますが、よろしくお愿いいたします。日本人都比较容易交流,对方应该会回复你的。


答:来自马尔代夫Ayada度假村的阳光问候 感谢你选择了马尔代夫Ayada度假村, 我们很高兴再次确认您邮件中提到的预订细节。为了更好地帮助您,特附上一些关于马尔代夫ayada度假村的详细信息。蜜月旅行;4夜(最小逗留长度)有五道菜的烛光晚餐加欢迎酒会和一早餐别墅。(请注意,入住时应该出示你们的结婚证书,这样...

日语高手请进!!!日本朋友给我发邮件来,帮忙翻译下!! 跪谢!!!
答:奥, 一起在学习上加油吧!(。^o^)ノ☆・゚::特区的学校也开始了吧?(´Д‘;)ノ(你的姓:是高、候、黄・・)的学校也开始了吧?高兴的事? 烦恼的事?嗯···是什么呢?···我也不太清楚(;´▽‘)v 分担?? 你...

答:Hai.selamat gmn生命tidak.di痛peluang bs班极力为她bhan stok印尼,seperti sekali garmen bagus战利品,sogo.mikro.sama bahan desbo parasit nyediain bahanm bisa先生,kalau tersebut siap menerima memasarkan sy kapan丹迪印尼,印尼呢? kalau磕磕先生印度尼西亚 ...