高分悬赏中译英 高分悬赏 中译英

作者&投稿:暨怨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Most Chinese audiences like to watch the West advertising, because they are often very humorous, witty, accept them very easy, pleasant. On the contrary, it appears that some of the domestic advertising cautious by nature, relax, and then gives the overall impression is too dignified. Foreign ads, especially those in the International Advertising Festival award-winning advertising, there is a common characteristic, that is able to jump out of the product itself, forget about commodities, but can accurately grasp the personality characteristics of goods on the basis of a very vivid display of goods charm, seem to be inadvertently had conquered the consumer. Humorous, humorous laugh, relaxed and happy, constitutes the main theme of Western advertising. The majority of China's advertising, always used to seize the goods of a particular characteristic, and then to use this feature very real, very direct way to show out, it is difficult beyond the commodity itself, it is difficult to bring the audience to accept the easy,

In the process of making friends, the Chinese people like gifts. Chinese New Year, relatives and friends, the colleagues of each other visits, gifts in order to contact the feelings. Over time, gift-giving has become a way people express their feelings. Some of today's China Ad send gifts at the Bian Jiang product positioning. Such ads focus on food, health products and wines and spirits. For example, in recent years Melatonin ad. Ad film repeatedly chanted "This year's festivals are not gifts, gifts also received Melatonin" "This year should be sent to health, gifts and more income Melatonin!" And other sentences. Year after year, the public side of the witness there is no creativity of its advertising while it is still pocket to buy, precisely because located in gifts, visit friends in the pro-al Yongde Zhao, it was stable up its sales. Similarly derived "reciprocity" theme, the

Western ads focus on images and the narrative element is rarely used excessive language, often adopted after a series of pictures or even just one or two simple words of advertising language eye-dotting ceremony impressive. Such as the following two ads: Ad 1: In the corner office has a small mouse hole, revealing a cat's tail, stood in the hole next to a can of Diet Coke they do finish all the entire ad is not a word, the light depend on the screen to speak for themselves. Cats, like how thin it may become a rat? Had drunk a Pepsi Diet Coke. I believe after viewing the ad people will want to try Diet Coke is how to make their own to become slim. The ad through the screen to guide the public revelation of his reasoning is a manifestation of the West ad features a typical example of; Ad 2: In the KFC counter, a customer wearing a long garment is considering what to buy food. That should be a very common pieces of screen, can coat the customer is under the iconic Ronald McDonald legs, not only to make people smile - even Ronald McDonald came to patronize KFC, and is not that the taste of Kentucky Fried Chicken The best food certificates?

Most Chinese audiences like to watch the West advertising, because they are often very humorous, witty, accept them very easy, pleasant. On the contrary, it appears that some of the domestic advertising cautious by nature, relax, and then gives the overall impression is too dignified. Foreign ads, especially those in the International Advertising Festival award-winning advertising, there is a common characteristic, that is able to jump out of the product itself, forget about commodities, but can accurately grasp the personality characteristics of goods on the basis of a very vivid display of goods charm, seem to be inadvertently had conquered the consumer. Humorous, humorous laugh, relaxed and happy, constitutes the main theme of Western advertising. The majority of China's advertising, always used to seize the goods of a particular characteristic, and then to use this feature very real, very direct way to show out, it is difficult beyond the commodity itself, it is difficult to bring the audience to accept the easy,

In the process of making friends, the Chinese people like gifts. Chinese New Year, relatives and friends, the colleagues of each other visits, gifts in order to contact the feelings. Over time, gift-giving has become a way people express their feelings. Some of today's China Ad send gifts at the Bian Jiang product positioning. Such ads focus on food, health products and wines and spirits. For example, in recent years Melatonin ad. Ad film repeatedly chanted "This year's festivals are not gifts, gifts also received Melatonin" "This year should be sent to health, gifts and more income Melatonin!" And other sentences. Year after year, the public side of the witness there is no creativity of its advertising while it is still pocket to buy, precisely because located in gifts, visit friends in the pro-al Yongde Zhao, it was stable up its sales. Similarly derived "reciprocity" theme, the

Western ads focus on images and the narrative element is rarely used excessive language, often adopted after a series of pictures or even just one or two simple words of advertising language eye-dotting ceremony impressive. Such as the following two ads: Ad 1: In the corner office has a small mouse hole, revealing a cat's tail, stood in the hole next to a can of Diet Coke they do finish all the entire ad is not a word, the light depend on the screen to speak for themselves. Cats, like how thin it may become a rat? Had drunk a Pepsi Diet Coke. I believe after viewing the ad people will want to try Diet Coke is how to make their own to become slim. The ad through the screen to guide the public revelation of his reasoning is a manifestation of the West ad features a typical example of; Ad 2: In the KFC counter, a customer wearing a long garment is considering what to buy food. That should be a very common pieces of screen, can coat the customer is under the iconic Ronald McDonald legs, not only to make people smile - even Ronald McDonald came to patronize KFC, and is not that the taste of Kentucky Fried Chicken The best food certificates?

Most Chinese audiences like to see Western advertising, as they often are humorous, witty, accept them very easy, comfortable. On the contrary, it appears that some of the domestic advertising stiff, relax, and gives the overall impression is too dignified. Foreign ads, especially those in the International Advertising Festival award-winning advertising, have a common characteristic, that is able to jump out of the product itself, are not limited to goods, but can grasp the exact characteristics of goods on the basis of a personality is vivid display of a product's charm seems inadvertently to have conquered the consumer. Humorous, humorous laugh, relaxed and happy, constitute the main theme of Western advertising. The majority of China's advertising, always used to seize the goods of a certain characteristic, then this characteristic in a very real and very direct manner of expressing them, it is difficult beyond the product itself, it is difficult to bring the audience to accept the easy,

In the dating process, the Chinese like gifts. New Year, relatives and friends, the colleagues call each other, to feel for gifts. Over time, gift giving has become a way people express their feelings. Today, China and some advertising Bianjiang product positioning to send gifts. Such ads focus on food, health care products and wines and spirits. For example, advertising in recent years melatonin. Ad film repeatedly chanted, "This year the feast does not receive, receive also receive melatonin," "This year, to send health, receive more income melatonin!" And other sentences. Year after year, the public side of the witness's no creativity of its advertising, while still paying out of pocket to buy it is because the positioning on the gifts, visit family need it thanks to all friends, so its sales rose only stability. Also derived "reciprocity" theme,

Western ads focus on graphics and narrative, rarely used the language too often adopted after a series of pictures or even just one or two simple words of the advertising language point of eyes, impressive. If the following two ad: ad 1: In one corner a little mouse hole, showing a cat's tail, and stood in the hole next to a can of drained it of Diet Coke, the ad is not a word, light by the screen on it all. Cats, like how thin it may become a rat? Originally drink Pepsi Diet Coke. I believe after reading the ad people will want to experiment with Diet Coke is to allow yourself to become slim. The ad through the screen to guide the public revelation of his reasoning is a manifestation of Western advertising features a typical example; ad 2: The counter at KFC, a clothed customers are considering what to buy food. That should be a very common site picture, can coat the customer is under the sign of McDonald's legs, not only people smile - even Ronald McDonald came to patronize KFC, and KFC is not this the right taste Food the best proof?

ll 分给我吧。。。YAY


Dear sir,
I have got ready to send you C. W. O. (cash with order). In your side, can you dispatch when you receive my payment?
I have made some changes in my order. Please, check my order list at the receipt of my payment. I will send you my consignees address. Thanks again for your assistance.

1) 付款订货 为“cash with order”,缩写为“C. W. O.”;
2) 收货地址 为“consignees address”,没有缩写。
3) 建议再加一句:“若有任何疑问,请及早告知”(Any question if you have please let me know as early as possible)。由你决定选取与否。

Third-order quality management system documents
Glass tool use and control guidelines
Plant facilities for all machines and equipment, and broken glass, to control all products in the production process or after the weapon damage broken glass mixed with products from the weapon to ensure that the customers of the injury;
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to the factory in the production process will lead to broken glass or sharp object into the damaged products, applicable to production lines, materials and machines, such as regional facilities;
3.0 functions
Quality control functions of the Department 3.1
3.1.1 Quality Control Department is responsible for anomalies in the report issued by the
3.2 Production responsibilities
3.2.1 Production department is responsible for measures to deal with unusual situations
3.3 The responsibilities of the Assistant General Manager
3.3.1 is responsible for approving the report of the views of
4.0 Procedure
4.1 tool of control
4.1.1 Prohibition of private employees to work without any tool
4.1.2 Sector Code:
Injection Molding Department: ZS Printing Department: SY Assembly Department: ZP
Project board room: GZ Quality Control Department: PG
Encoding tool 4.1.3 provides that:
Shuikou knife: SKD clipper: JQ scissors: JD tweezers: NZ
Tsim Sha Tsui clamp: JZQ Cross awarded: SZP the word approved: SZP Shuikou shear: SKJ
For example: ZSJQ001 clipper

ZS JQ 001
On behalf of a sharp object ID

On behalf of departments

On behalf of a sharp object name

4.1.4 payment of the production of weapons to go to work every day workshop, by the production of the head of the Department responsible for issuing and do a good job, "issued a sharp object in mind
Recorded in Form "by the plant QC is responsible for overseeing the issuance of the class gap and the accuracy of the number of recovered weapons;
4.1.5 Prohibition of the Use of the weapon can be broken, use a sharp object to be fixed up in the table edge to prevent loosening and mixing tool
Goods, the movement may be tied or buttoned at the wrist;
4.1.6 QC inspections blade in one way or another, such as found in the case of a broken blade must be an immediate separation of the product during that period should be examined to ensure that there is no broken blade into the products, half-way in the production lost when a sharp object shall immediately notify the team leader or supervisor, and the issue of "exception handling accident reports," tool to trace the causes of loss, if the weapon is missing寻不到must be reworking all of the products to find, until you find the date;
4.2 or硬胶broken glass control;
4.2.1 When equipment <cases: injection molding machines, printing machines, packing machines, ultrasonic machines and other machines appear next to glass or硬胶broke down, around the shutdown of the staff should immediately stop work and timely reporting of department heads to find a solution approach, in charge of receiving the report to the scene immediately after the treatment, depending on the seriousness of the situation to give a range (3 meters premises or 5 m) fully cleared, cleared in full before the release of normal production, the production of products before and after QC checks should be to ensure that when there is no problem with the release;
4.2.2 broken glass production line, or there硬胶broke down, is the work of employees who need to immediately stop all work and notify the head of the stop gap, to be submitted at the same time head of the department heads, and doubt of contaminated products and other by separate check and clean-up, until completely cleared after Add to qualified production line packaging, the entire process will be arranged with the director of processing and QC certified before the beginning of the continuing operation;
4.3 materials area or硬胶glass broke down, stop all access to materials and isolation of the logo, and then doubt materials contaminated by inspection and cleaning, clean up before the normal state of operation;
4.4 The above action must be approved by the department heads to implement, if necessary, to inform the general manager or assistant general manager, when the glass broken or硬胶rupture occurred in two or more departments, the heads of departments involved should be properly co-ordinated to deal with , when there is a conflict between departments, arranged by the Assistant General Manager;
4.5 head to receive the number of records must be distributed to staff weapon must be the original work a few hours to recover and kept in the workshop tool box, such as how to recover or have less number of phenomena, the leader must be responsible for further investigation.
Annex 4.6
1. "Tool release log"
2. "Accident report exception handling"

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