
作者&投稿:杜聂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1. The woman went to the police station for help
2. Many people lost their lives at sea
3. i made no mistake in dictation
4. He has never lied
5. His ex-wife gave birth to two children
6. my opinion is on the contrary of yours
7. His observations is on the contrary of yours
8. He taught English teaching methods to secondary school teachers
9. I am pleased to accept your invitation
10. This issue is worth a further discussion
11. He gave me a check of 500 yuan
12. His mouth there has the taste of garlic
13. The candyies taste mint flavor
14. village is on the other side of the river
15.the paper is full of the house
16.There is a path along the river
17. Error clearly is on your side
18 Brightness is in the front of your
19. He has the next original manuscript
20. That person is suspected of taking bribes

1. The woman went to the police station to help
2. Many people lost their lives at sea
3. Dictation I have a good
4. He has never lied
5. His ex-wife gave birth to two children
6. It is my opinion and contrary to your
7. His observations and contrary to your
8. He taught English to secondary school teachers teaching
9. I am pleased to accept your invitation
10. This issue is worth further discussion under the
11. He gave me a check 500
12. His mouth there is the taste of garlic
13. The candyies is taste mint flavor
14. The other side of the river villages
15.Fill in a house of paper
16.There are obscure alone the stream.
17. Error clear in your side
18 light on the front of your
19. The next issue of where the original manuscript in his
20. That people suspected of taking bribes

1. The woman went to the police station to help
2. Many people lost their lives at sea
3. Dictation I have a good
4. He has never lied
5. His ex-wife gave birth to two children
6. It is my opinion and contrary to your
7. His observations and contrary to your
8. He taught English to secondary school teachers teaching
9. I am pleased to accept your invitation
10. This issue is worth further discussion under the
11. He gave me a check 500
12. His mouth there is the taste of garlic
13. This has mint flavor糖吃up
14. The other side of the river villages
15.落满a house of paper
16.沿溪are obscure
17. Error clear in your side
18 light on the front of your
19. The next issue of where the original manuscript in his
20. That people suspected of taking bribes

Thank you for prawns, hee hee

请英文好的朋友帮我把几句中文翻译成英文 谢谢了·~

1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者.
The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations.
2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁.
The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship .
(介词用in :如:then we carved the statue with the special graver in fine craftsmanship,(当时我们用特制的雕刻刀用精湛的技艺雕刻了那个雕像)在一般表示动作的句子中,with 表示干活用的具体工具,in表示干活用的方法或看不见的某种“具体”的工具如 :in this way ,in English, in ink 等等)
3. 一个追求知识的学者必须有学习的时间 必须从诸般事务中摆脱出来.
A scholar who pursues knowledge must possess time to learn it and must get rid of too much of something insignificant .
4. 忍耐使灵魂宁静 依靠坚忍渡过困难时期
Exercising patience makes the soul be tranquillity , and going through the hard period needs perseverance .
5 . 有些人保持沉默是因为无话可说 有些人保持沉默是因为懂得说话要适时.
Some keep silence due to nothing to say .some keep silence due to knowing when to say .

1. 做得比别人更好并不是一个问题。
2. (赢得别人的)尊重需要你做得比你认为你能够做的更好。
3. 你可以在你家人、朋友和同事的生活中塑造出你自己。

答:I am sonsy by nature.(我觉得这种表达简单又实用)4.今天的天气很晴朗,但还是有点冷 It's a fine day today,but still a little cold.还有一句是我的老师教我的,我认为很棒的一句:I have complete confidence and enough assurance to make it.(我有充足的信心和十足的把握做好这件事)这...

请英语好的朋友帮我个忙 有几句话需要帮忙翻译,是几米《地下铁》里...
答:side.第十:我疲惫不堪.下一站是哪里?会不会有一列永不停驶的地下铁?I'm tired, where will the next stop be? Will there ever be a subway train that never stops?第十一:其实,我哪里都不想去.Actually, I don't want to go anywhere but here.在下美籍华人,很荣幸能为您翻译。

答:1: When I was in the second year of high school, I was thinking of going to South Korea in the first term of school. My dream was to become an agent in the future.2: I would choose Science because I don't like arts which I have to memorize a lots of theory, ...

答:There is always a situation of pathetique in the world,that is oniy one person sitting in the four-person table .Some people take a lifetime to deceive others,some people spend all their lives to cheat a man

答:如果你变了、我就相信你。如果你没变、我就相信我 = If it's true that you've changed then I'll trust you;but if you haven't then I'll just trust myself

答:1. To begin with English, I find it difficult to pronounce words well at first, but later on, I find it interesting to learn English.2. He is afraid that his classmates might laught at him, so he doesn't speak English in class.3. Through a lot of listening practice and ...

答:1 and will take a new critical theory analysis of Hamlet's character as his theory of experimental objects exploring the best footnote. Therefore, the character of Hamlet is also a new practice of literary theory and application.2 literary theory briefly describes the character of ...

答:这首歌意思是说,以前爱那个人的时候太爱了,注意力都放在他身上,为他悲伤为他愁,忽略了自己的快乐。离开他以后反而慢慢找回了自我,和属于自己的快乐。总之就是讲女孩子在爱中迷失自我,又在分手后找回自我的心情。所以这句话 我会这么翻译:I can have my own happiness only till I left you....

答:Converts sunlight into electricity to power cars. These are termed solar powered cars.The solar cells used differ according to the type of semiconductor materials used, which are often divided into silicon cells, CdS cells, GaAs cells, among others.As fossil fuels are not needed, ...

答:I\'ll try^ 1.Few people are afraid of being alone,but many are afraid of death.2.I haven\'t seen you for another three years. you used to be so short, and now that tall. (忍一下)3.used you to be a salesman? yes, after my achievement, i\'m a teacher.4.i ...