
作者&投稿:壬蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.Lunch and Supper
2.One sweet.
Because a second sweet can't be put into an empty pocket.(因为(口袋里已经放入一块糖)所以第二块糖不可能放入空的口袋了:)
4.She wants her father to write on the reportcard.
5.Mr.Morgan wasn"t working now.
6.what did Michelle and her mother do over the weekend

1. lunch and supper
2. zero
3. no. it should be "I" IS THE NINTH LETTER OF THE ALPHABET.
4. because Silvia got bad marks on the report card and she doesn't want her father to see it.
5. Mr. Morgan was at home.
6. What did Michelle and her mother do over the weekend?


Put one word in the three blanks. 1.__NOTHING__is better than the God. 2.__NOTHING__is worse than the evil. 3.If you eat_NOTHING__,you will die. Key:NOTHING 读句子,猜谜语,写单词 1.It's a kind of paper.Some are big,some are small.There is a lot of news on it.(newspaper ) 2.it's a card.There are some picture on it.We can send it yo our friends from the post office.( postcard) 3.it's a good place.We can go and see a film there.( cinema) 4.it's a moment of a day.it's between afternoon and night.We often watch TV and do our homework at that time.( evening) 5.He is your father's father.He calls you grandson or granddaughter.Who is he?( grangfather) 绝对正确的啦O(∩_∩)O~ 很高兴为你解答


4.Numbers, which are an integral/important component/part of our daily lives, are the only common language shared/understood by all humans.


答:.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ?1.Because it makes fat fact!为什么女孩们害怕字母“C”?因为C会让肥胖变成事实!2.Why is the letter E so important?2.Because it’s the beginning of everything!为什呢字母E很重要?因为它是“每件事” 的开头 3.Why are the letter G and l...

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答:.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ?1.Because it makes fat fact!为什么女孩们害怕字母“C”?因为C会让肥胖变成事实!2.Why is the letter E so important?2.Because it’s the beginning of everything!为什呢字母E很重要?因为它是“每件事” 的开头 3.Why are the letter G and...

答:1、son : sin 罪恶 con 欺骗 ; moon : mood 心情 mook 杂志类图书 ; look :loom 织布机 lock 锁 ;mum : mom 妈妈 mud 泥 ; but : bub 小弟弟 bot 肤蝇的幼虫 ;cat :cab 出租车 cot 四周有棚的儿童床 ;stay :stab 刺 stag 炒新股者 ;bat :bot 肤蝇的幼虫 baa 羊...

答:boxing ring 却是指拳赛场地。10.Because it’s light when it rises. ( 答案就太阳而言,它升起的时候,很亮。答案就面包而言,它松起的时候,很轻。两个意思同属于一句英文之中,这就是答案的妙处。)汗... 180道 实在太多了 暂时只有这些,有时间再帮你补充吧......

答:译文:橘子是橙色的 米饭很好吃 中国人说中文 喝些饮料 1.One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.2.How many letters are there in the short letter?译文:1.一个和尚有水喝,两个和尚挑水喝,三个和尚没水喝。2.这封短信里有多少个单词?1. feel much better now....

答:和时间有关的英语趣味小知识(一)时间是金,其值无价 Time is money.(时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金) Time flies.(光阴似箭,日月如梭) Time has wings.(光阴去如飞) Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.(光阴如锉,细磨无声) Time stays not the fool's leisure.(时间不等闲逛的傻瓜) Time...

答:1.Lunch and Supper 2.One sweet.Because a second sweet can't be put into an empty pocket.(因为(口袋里已经放入一块糖)所以第二块糖不可能放入空的口袋了:)3.No.I这里当字母,不是"自己"4.She wants her father to write on the reportcard.5.Mr.Morgan wasn"t working now.6....

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答:1 Last week, it took me three days to go from A to B, but then four days to go from B to A. What are A and B?Sunday and Wednesday.2 What letter is a body of water?C(sea)3 What has teeth but cannot eat?comb 梳子 4 What two words contain thousands of letters ...