有几道英语的趣味智力题,请英语高手来解答! 几道英语智力题

作者&投稿:盖封 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1、son : sin 罪恶 con 欺骗 ; moon : mood 心情 mook 杂志类图书 ; look :loom 织布机 lock 锁 ;mum : mom 妈妈 mud 泥 ; but : bub 小弟弟 bot 肤蝇的幼虫 ;cat :cab 出租车 cot 四周有棚的儿童床 ;stay :stab 刺 stag 炒新股者 ;bat :bot 肤蝇的幼虫 baa 羊叫声.
2、brother bathe.

1, sun ton moon soon book loop mud mon cut nut hat bat stab stag sat cat
2. another bathe
3. 7块,3块,鱼有很多种,每种价格都不一样,2块,3块,1块,10块
4. June 21st, 2011
33 24
5. red green blue white black


1 sun ton moon noop cook book mom bum nut bat cut bat stab star bad mat


1 I have cities but no houses, forest but no trees, rivers without water. What am I 2 What table is in the field 3 What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk 4 Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired 5 What goes on four legs in the morning , on two at noon , and on three in the evening 6 What kind of coat can be put on only when wet Key:A map VegetableA clockFather ChristmasPeopleRaincoat低年级英语智力题1. What kind of dog doesn't bite(咬) or bark(叫) 2. What has four legs but can't walk 3. What is black when(当) it is clean and white when it is dirty 4. What letter(字母) is a part(部分) of the head 5. I'm an animal, I have two long ears, white fur, a short tail. I like to eat carrots. What am I 6. What letter is an animal 7. What letter is a question(问题) 8. What letter is a drink(饮料) 1. Hot dog 2. A table 3. A black broad 4. I 5. A rabbit 6. B 7. Y 8. T 经典的英语智力题____ is greater than God. ____ is more evil than the Devil. The poor have ____. The rich need ____. If you eat ____, you will die 答案只有一个单词KEYYes, the key is " nothing" . Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is more evil than the Devil. The poor have nothing. The rich need nothing. If you eat nothing, you will die. 2005年第十五届广州市小学英语智力竞赛题(初赛): http://www.hdhdedu.com/upload/2005-4/2005en.doc

1. What letter that we have in December but we don't have in November ? ----- 字母D
2.What part of New York is in Chicago?-----字母O
3.She is a deaf woman.Which letter is useful to her?-----字母A (her加a变成hear )
4.Why should boys and men avoid the letter A?-----他们都是复数形式
5.What's found twice in any corner but only once in every room? ----字母R
6.Why's letter a like a flower? ----Because B (Bee 蜜蜂)Follows it.

1.We don't (buy your story). ----信你的鬼话

3.The house is very expensive . (The man in the street) can 't buy it. ---流浪汉

问题补充:6.You'd better (keep your nose clean).You are a new one here. ---规规矩矩的

7.(mum is the world.) 母亲就是全世界
1.Which part of a watch is always old? second hand(有“秒针”的意思,同时也有“二手货”的意思)


第四题---单数 a boy ,a man 复数 boys ,men

答:(图2)本题要你找出一张代表英国的邮票。从第三张邮票上的钟楼可以联想到英国伦敦的大本钟(Big Ben),故答案为C。三、以英语为媒介的跨学科内容。这类智力题主要有怪问巧答、趣味推算、排列图画、拼凑图形、图画辨异、巧破谜宫等。请同学们看样题99小题。本题是一道趣味计算题,计算的重要条件是3...


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