
作者&投稿:书匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
In Chinese folklore, dragon is a mythical creature that changes from time to time. It is believed that dragons bear supernatural powers to summon wind and call for rain, on which all agricultural life depends. Dragon is said to be able to manifest or hide itself at will. It ascends the sky in spring and dives to the depths of the pool in the fall. Not only that dragon has been regarded as the head of all serpent-like creatures, it is also the leader of the four auspicious creatures in Chinese culture. Owing to its ferociousness and mysteriousness, the dragon signifies power and strength, which Chinese emperors used this very symbolism to represent themselves. Extraordinarily refined decoration with dragon motif is common to wares made specifically for emperors.


Dragon in Chinese mythology is a good change, can promote sexual intercourse, which benefits all things fictitious animal.Legend can concealed shows, reach the sky, when the vernal equinox autumnal equinox when Qian Yuan.Different from the ordinary tune again, as the head of scale insects, they first, and became the symbol of imperial power,Emperors claimed to be the dragon, use of artifacts by the dragon decoration.求采纳【累⑩我】......


Classmate is a memorial day for was in kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school, college, study abroad period old classmates studying partners can lasts for many years of love, enhance students emotion, rich campus culture. To guide the broad masses of the school and has been out of the campus students on this day in touch with old classmates and communicate emotion, enhance friendship. By students interact in this festival, enhance friendship, Alma mater to strengthen the old-boy network, strive to be classmates internode form friendship circle, business circle, can help each students faster and better development. Section 919 students (eight) classmate memorial way: dinner, watching movies, shopping, travel, Internet society (baby dress show, show, gossip, campus show, etc.), SMS, email, telephone greetings.

这是金山词霸的翻译:When Wu Bin drove the car speeding down the highway, a piece of iron hit him. Under such great pain, he still insist on. For a car people life, his suffering is one can imagine. But even if the pain endured, to guarantee the life safety of the others.

谁能帮我翻译一下 翻译为英语 急用 谢谢
答:I believe my plasticity will reach yourrequirements.踏实认真的学习态度,积极主动的团队意识,热情大方的待人原则,艰苦朴素的生活习惯塑造了我开朗的性格和积极向上的人生追求,培养了我正确的人生观,世界观,价值观,使我能乐观面对生活和工作并取得理想的成绩。且有一定的应变能力,可有效地处理突发事件。虽...

有没有哪位高人英语特别好的,帮我翻译一下论文,把中文翻译成英文,非 ...
答:2, the tragedy of different heroine Western tragic hero is more noble, a strong power phase, nobles, imperial hero, etc. Aristotle think, "tragedy is composed by the elites and comedy is composed by ordinary people". (...) Hamlet is the prince of Denmark, "is the court's ...

答:1,没有啊。你以为有三罐是吗。你真聪明,这里确实有三罐。but cola and cola Nothing. You think there are three cans, right? You are clever, there are three cans indeed.谢谢大家 Thank you all!想不想学?想不想学?Would you like to learn? Would you?2想 想想 Think, think a ...

答:didnt warm u i ll move house.but i have to move in cos i paid it.so i should give to 500rbm and the deposit of key is took out , i ll give u 450rbm.so that i wont stay your home,is it feasible? i am sorry about that.。。。悬赏分都没有。。。哎 ...

答:另外当歌被播放时,这网站还会付给艺人钱,我挺喜欢这一点的。Since you are young and probably have better use for your money, I don't think it would be worthwhile for you.当然你现在还年轻,我觉得你没有必要注册成付费会员,因为你的钱可能有更好的用奥。Thanks for telling me about ...

答:There are very few people who would not like to do it.译为:很少有人会不喜欢做它。所以是“没有多少人愿意做这件事情”。

答:1、由于我无法忍受这些噪音,所以我辞职了。(as引导原因状语从句;put up with)As I can't put up with the noises, I resigned.2、只要你尽力,这场雨将对比赛没什么影响。(so long as引导条件状语从句;make a difference)So long as you do your best, the rain will not make a ...

答:I usually sort out my e-mails on Sunday.2、The meeting will begin in an hour and in the meantime we can go out for a coffee.3、On seeing the police, the thief was scared to death.4、I have become aware of the importance of the environment protection.5、His coming ...

...这个姓氏该怎么翻译,有没有英语大神可以帮忙一下,谢谢。 感激不尽...
答:Awsumb是一个较为少见的姓氏,它的具体翻译需要根据其来源和语言背景进行判断和确定。Awsumb姓氏可能与英语、荷兰语、德语、瑞典语或其他语言有关,因此对于具体的翻译可能会略有不同。下面是一些可能的翻译方式:1. 如果Awsumb姓氏来源于英语,它可能是一种拼写不规范的姓氏,具体翻译可能难以确定,可以...

答:你一定需要有个好嗓子才能当一个著名歌手么?我不敢肯定,但是你必须得有个大嗓门.这个题目主要考察的是用现在进行时来表示将来时态 2. are booking用现在进行时表将来,带有意图,安排,打算的含义 3. in case,以防万一 4. could not,不能 5. are trying ,同2,表意图,想通过已经买的票赚钱 6. ...