
作者&投稿:云江 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I gave you send text messages, and you will not resent it, the last text message What does it mean, I found the answer on Baidu. Do not know right.


汉译英 用所给单词翻译句子~


1 The Chairman wound up his speech by expressing gratitude to the people present. (wind >过去式 wound)

2 People across the national hail for China's success in bidding to host the 2008 Olympic Games

3 The current situation in the world is favorable for us .

4 they can enjoy 30 days paid holiday each year .

5 Viruses can reach your computer via various channels .

1 金色的阳光撒满了(覆盖了)我们的身体
Our bodies were covered in golden sun light.

2 太阳直直的照下来 汗水 烦躁 压力
The sun shines straightly downward, sweat,irritation,pressure.

3 艰辛 炙热的阳光
The oppressive and scorching sun

4 夕阳西下 拉长的影子 映红的脸颊 坚持不懈
The setting sun descends in the west,shadow being dragged out, reflected red cheeks,persistent.

5 对未来的憧憬
Towards the visualization of the future

6 飞向目的地 烦恼的尽头
Fly to the destination, the end of worries.

还有 vanished 的汉语意思
Vanish =突然消失/ 不复存在

求! 100句汉译英句子
答:I have to run for an exam.请快一点,我得赶时间参加考试。2.I have to run for the flight.我得赶飞机。3.I have to run for an appointment.我得赶时间去赴约。10.I'll get back to you. 我会再和你联络get back 是一固定词组,意思是返回、回来。I'll get back to you.意思是我会再和你联...

答:I gave you send text messages, and you will not resent it, the last text message What does it mean, I found the answer on Baidu. Do not know right.

答:Try to be more careful next time 6.李蕾,有你一个电话 LiLie ,there's a call for you.7.你为何不脱下你的毛衣?你需要穿凉快些(take off)Why don't you take off your sweater? You need to be a little cooler 8.谢谢你给我这样一个精美的礼物 Thank you for giving me such a wo...

答:be more trees in ten years 7.每人都将有一台电脑everybody will have a computer 8将来会有更多的空闲时间吗?Will there be more free time in the future? 9.100年后将没有纸币了there will be no money in one hundred year 10.将会有更多的污染吗?will there be more pollution?

答:一 Ivery much like 这是一个错误,不能把very much放在like的前面.只能是Ilike him very much 二 Every day we do a lot of exercises中的时间状语Every day 应该放在后面 三 I will not only help Ma also help everyone, and I are all friends中应该是but also 而不是also。

给翻译一下呗 汉译英哈 (要简单点的句子和简单的单词哈)
答:I joined the training of LiYang Crazy English when I was ten and I also took up training by Tone English during the winter vacations, so I am very confident in my pronunciation ability. By the way, I am a very active person, and definitely can arouse the vibe in the ...

答:4 Their meeting started from 4 PM and ended at 5 PM .=They had the meeting from 4 PM and to 5 PM .=Their meeting lasted from 4 PM and to 5 PM .5 The children usually go/begin to school at the age of seven .=The children usually go/begin to school when ...

答:to China.5 我将永远忘不了我参军的那一天。We will never forget the day on which i joined the army.6 我有一些朋友,他们中有一些是商人。I have some freiends, some of whom are businessmen.7 我们要做的第一件事就是努力学习。The first thing we will do is to study hard....

答:Do you know the man ___ ___ her ?next to 3.当你在拥挤的公交车上,要当心小偷。When in a crowded bus , you should ___ ___ ___a thief .keep away from 4.当我拿到成绩单时,看见那可怜的分数,我呆住了。When I got my transcript ,I ___ ___ ___the poor grades .f...

答:1. They always play soccer in the afternoon 2. I go home from school early in the regular 3. they doing their exercises 4. I intend to see friends tomorrow,5. How whether today?very hot 6. He will be typing, but I would not 7. Whould you like some coffee? No.Thank ...