
作者&投稿:海罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
后一段就是 “jamming”的定义:“商业创造力的艺术和演练(训练)”;用演奏来比喻经商。)

他定义挤 -"为了要采取一个主题、一个疑问、一个观念、一个一时的兴致,一个主意,在附近通过它,瓦解它,将它集合起来 ,翻倒它,向后地跑它,以它尽可能遥远地飞, 出自
视力, 从不撤退。。。 但是的,它来在这里了, 回家在, 改变, 新的, 本质, 像无以前曾经".
在他的书中的约翰 Kao'挤 - 艺术和商务创造力的训练' 介绍观念有创造力的
'挤' 基于一个音乐的隐喻。)”

视线,永不退缩...不过,是的,这里来了,寻在,不容改变,新的,但本质一样,没有什么以往任何时候都" 。

他定义了阻塞- “选出一个主题,提出一个问题,概括出一个概念,这就像一次异想天开,一个主意,你需要传播它,拆散它,整合它,支持它,舍弃它。你的思绪随它渐行渐远,跑出了视线之外,从不返回… 但是,它还是来了,回来了,而且改变了。它是崭新的,是精华的,是前所未有的"。



宝贝,难道你看,我callinga像你这样的家伙,应该穿warnin 'it的危险,因为…我'there没有退路了,我不能breaki需要一个小时

In spite of being very busy welcome each to participate in today's class report, our dormitory may say that has in fine weather and favorable geographical position, was in the history the setup time most abundant. But, we 4 days ago, has overthrown complete tentative plan, therefore, the preparation is very hasty. However, hoped that can through today's interaction, take to everybody as far as possible many laughter. This is a competition pure game interaction. the first link, we will lead everybody, enters a mysterious psychological world, inquired into that most real, the letter is also good, does not believe that this is a game merely, hoped that do not affect everybody's mood. asks everybody to look in hand's topic, as soon as will meet us to announce answer the second link, believed that everybody saw on the television each kind, had described by a side, another side guessed he described the thing game, then, we will invite schoolmates to join in this game, the rule will be very simple, we a matter, or the character, the thing, will present on the large screen, will invite two schoolmates to come up, a side described, a side guessed he described the thing, may use the body, may also use the language, but must dominate, reminderExcessively, can encounter the special penalty. Has the human to come up voluntarily? We do not adopt the special method. the third link, we will demonstrate that for everybody various countries' national flag, hoped everybody participation positively, for face ~, if is the uncommon national flag, we will give everybody the language prompt. the last link, is a tongue twister. Draw an item at random schoolmate, hoped that everybody bold spot reads ~ to thank everybody today's support!

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英文高手麻烦过来翻译一段 要是翻译的好 还能帮你加分
答:本文共分五章,第一章为仓储管理相关理论介绍及本文研究意义和思路与内容。第二、三章问本文主题部分,主要讲述威莱公司仓储方面存在的问题及改进措施。第四章是威莱公司改进后的绩效评价。第五章是威莱仓储管理改进成果及仓储管理未来发展展望。This paper is divided into five chapters, the first ...

恳请英语高手帮忙翻译一段散文。 补充:百度一搜的英汉...
答:我找出来三种比较好的翻译,具体要哪一个请楼主好好斟酌。①The world there such a place, in the wild wind and rain to give us the time Stanford refuge in the mind tired, give us comfort. Our body and soul will always need a place for us to open, this is home.Day after ...

答:and good partners, but also I talk a good target. If I have trouble, she will help me. If she has, I would help her. Although we can not meet regularly, but sometimes we will call greetings to each other. I hope our friendship forever. "我是翻译家 参考资料:自己 ...

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急!英语高手们、麻烦帮个忙哈 、请翻译一下这段话 后天英语演讲要用...
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答:of one country, which concerns the image of one country.一个人也是如此,在碰到原则问题时,千万不能含糊其词,该说“不”时,决不能犹豫。So it is true of one person. Never hesitate to say "no" and voice clearly when it comes to a matter of principle.参考资料:辛苦翻译呀 ...

...我想送她份礼物,麻烦高手帮我翻译一下这段话,今晚要用,谢谢_百度知 ...
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