
作者&投稿:东郭生 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
“人道关爱".:humane care

Masks doesnt have differences in nationality and race

The peels have beautiful strips and colors

but they are easy to crack

the using of reverse coler is just like the unity of oppositeness of "care and being cared"

face the picture

it depends on which you see,the red "cross" symbol or the pale mask

and act accordingly

Humality care and love\".:The mask has no cent that nationality has no race.The melon skin contain beautiful veins color and luster.The but again is an easily ground crack.Contrary color of usage positive such as\"care and love and is cared and loved\" is what opposition unifies.Face appearance.Lie in you to come in sight of red of\the mask of"ten\" character list a number still a deadly pale.Do an activity for corresponding also!

The mask of“humanist concen”can not be classified by ntion or race. The husks of a melon have beautiful textures and luster, but they are fragile. The application of contrasting colors, just as "the concerning and the concerned", obeys the law of unity of the opposites in the same way. Facing the picture, what matters is the thing that you see -- the red "cross"or the ghastly white mask -- and the action you are going to take.

"The humality cares and loves".:
The mask has no difference of nationality and race.
The melon skin contain beautiful veins color and luster,but it is easily to crack.
The usage of the contrary color is a unity of opposites ,just like"care and being cared".
Face the whole picture ,which you would see :the red :"cross"symbol or the pale mask .It is depends your choice and the corresponding activity.

" Humality care and love".: Mask the cent that has no nationality to has no race.The melon skin contain beautiful veins color and luster.The but again is easy broken up.The usage of the contrary color is ising what opposition unify such as" care and love and is care and love".Face the appearance.Lie in" ten" masks of the character list a number still a deadly pales that you come in sight of the red.Do an activity for correspond also!



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