
作者&投稿:叱干通 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)









The wind wafted their family, often move, finally can live in mango street, don't move, but the house is not like her, she even to say, "it is my home" ashamed, in addition, she also not clear whether oneself to like it here.
Here the brown skin, white fear them, but in fact, Mr Spielberg's only know Sally a group of friends sometimes quarrel, also not rich neighbour. The book is not like the colour of this book, it is not like a book, more like the young spezia lang Sally fulled childishness, but like the diary for children aged grandmother told her once the child time.
Usher in the text of the mango street, sometimes true drops of record and let a person cannot help give too much sympathy, for example: Rosa, with vargas method of Mrs. Rosa) children too much and the time under the babying buttoning and bottling. She had no way to go to take care of them, one down to earth exploded - without an "oh" that the pursuit of love, or (Sally really find Sally, but love in another prison. But even in the United States after the latino hard, the book still reveal about the future of beautiful dreams and hopes. Evan LangSha spezia, want to leave mango street have a house of my own, want to find yourself to the sweet chains, to help more people find happiness... When you read her teenage little secret, whether YiZheng suddenly, then said musingly: "ah, be like me so."
When I read the book in the lamp under small delicate, it seems from books out an elf, just like my favorite fairy tale, Peter pan, never island fairy, gently leap from my mind, salvage one old yellow, almost forgotten memory. So I made an illusion, like a young restore that once. When saw lang and essien spezia on her sister in the streets of the old shoes mooning, I think before age eight steal wear dad suit in front of the mirror is to imagine yourself as CEO of companies, she added, Cathy cat and queen of Egypt circles the only large friends and Sally like white crane son as pure between the friendship. Timid her cry in dining-room ate rice sandwich inside, Side mirror where film actress lips red... I glanced limpid stream of the summer as a pebble, fingers touched by watching the lamp of barley bread baking ovens, warmth, the paper seems to have touched the memory, eager to grow, and find me for my friendship, love, though I meditate on the mirror of me... Chew your memories, smiling mouth from diarrhoea unconsciously.
We grow in casual, speed, is who all unexpected. So when walking in hurry, lost among many precious memories. But lost doesn't mean forgotten. Memory is the hour of clothes, though no longer lares and useful. But it has been quietly lying in the closet, waiting for one of you are grown in the sunshine, holding in your hand touch -- it's fine heart have hopes and dreams. On the road of life, we will be lost, wrestling, will be hurt, but this alone is not the way to block our dreams. To succeed in the other, both tripped himself after the stone, or cut thorns, palm will become unforgettable memories, we collected by clamping.there.
Essien's Sally lonely spezia, she would tell the four skinny trees carefully depicts her dream house. I'm lonely, I hung out online, and when we grow up, what can happen again? Sally and she loved married with honey, Cathy suddenly disappear in a cats early autumn afternoon. The us, also to spezia lang with mango street we said goodbye, go looking for her house. Then we will? Who does not know.The only constant, only the heart good dreams and hopes

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答:关 键 词: 世界 小学一年级 50字 字 数: 50字作文 本文适合: 小学一年级 作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com 本作文是关于小学一年级50字的作文,题目为:《世界真奇妙》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 世界真奇妙,鸟蛋能孵出小鸟。 世界真奇妙,汽车喝了汽油会奔跑。 世界真奇妙,海绵...

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答:在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都接触过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是我为大家收集的神奇的四年级作文,欢迎大家分享。 神奇的四年级作文1 如果你是个细心的人,我猜你一定会注意到天空中那不可忽视的神秘之物——云。云有很多种,有积云、卷云、薄云。

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答:1. 奇妙的大自然的作文怎麽写 走进大自然的植物世界,你会发现,植物不仅是有生命的,有的植物还有生存本领,有的甚至有动物的特征,植物的世界是那么的奇妙。 有的植物竟然还会羞涩呢!含羞草就像个害羞的小姑娘。小姑娘一害羞就会用小手遮掩着脸蛋,从指缝里观察外界。 而含羞草就正如小姑娘一样,只要你在它们叶片上轻...
