
作者&投稿:吉董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The yellow fruit tree waterfall is located in Chinese Guizhou Privince An Shun City Zhen Ning Bouyei Nationality Miao Nationality Autonomous County , is that Zhujiang River river system strikes that scale is maximal in nine steps of branch plain boiled water river waterfalls group first order waterfall of country River. The waterfall is 77.8 meters highly , host waterfalls among them are high 67 meters; The waterfall is broad 101 meters , host waterfalls among them are the broadest 83.3 meters. The yellow fruit tree waterfall once was known as "the first Niagara of Asia", but the waterfall and Guangxi calculating the Kong En waterfall not comparable with Lao in fact with rate of flow and width , also being inferior to the Huanghe River kettle mouth compared with in the homeland waterfall on rate of flow and width are morals day waterfall. The yellow fruit tree waterfall is located in subtropics monsoon climate area, that area effect , the climate are throughout the year moist , mild by Indian Ocean southwest monsoon and the Pacific Ocean southeast monsoon much rain. The waterfall area mean temperature is 15.6 ~C. In July the air temperature is maximal, mean temperature 23.2 ~C; January the mean temperature is 5.9 ~C. Air temperature annual range 17.3 ~C. Exceeding highest temperature in history 35.3 ~C, the exceeding minimum air temperature is 8.5- ~C. Be average area amount of precipitation many years's turn to be 1307 millimeters, 4 amount of precipitation among them till October accounts for 89.9% of general amount of precipitation annual right away , amount to 1175 millimeters averagely. Waterfall location area sunshine is less, sunshine percentage many years 30%, the low-lying zone , precipitation are in addition place Guizhou western part more , the annual relative humidity amounts to 80% or so. Yearly average frost day 7.3 day , frost-free season 290 day. That area karst general configuration of the earth's surface is notable. The zone vegetation is to be hit by subtropics broad-leaved evergreen forests, but under artificial factor of long range effect, already fundamental nothingness of protogenesis forest, owing area a vegetation at present is secondary forest mainly.

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