
作者&投稿:白咳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1 We get along well
2 to help maintain the confidence of the success of
3 Finally, he came up with a good idea to
4 Do not worry, he was no problem
5 She was always abundant experience of

1. We are dealing well with each other.

2. Keeping confident is helpful for success.

3. Finally he comes up with a great idea.

4. Don't worry, he's got no problems.

5. 是精力吧: She is always energetic.


谁给操什么束黄色的过度说一些愚蠢的延缓中文论坛? !

你的中文morons将在那次飞机(在你的“论坛”),即便是引擎,只存在在画板! !

喜欢你的爱国手淫利益或给人印象平庸你黄色fucktard ! !

有争论没有重点带有黄色蠢货,65279 #我什么也不做,但爱国放屁!





求好心人翻译5个英语句子 thankyou
答:1,他昨天晚上熬夜玩电脑游戏。结果他今天早晨上班迟到了 2 在某种程度上,这些的阅读不适合中学生 3 当我病好了回来上学时,我要补一补我错过的课程。4 她的社会生活妨碍了她的学习 5 这有一些处理特殊时期问题特别的有用的技术。

答:5 Are there adequate written inspection instructions provided?是否为检查提供了足够的书面说明?6 Does the Supplier have a system for verification, storage, reporting, and maintenance of materials?供货商是否具有材料认证、存放、报告和维护体系?7 Does a supplier rating system exist which ...

答:(1)The second time,however,he came near the lion.He stopped at a safe distance,and watched him pass by 但是第二次,他走近了那头狮子。他在一个安全的距离停了下来看着狮子从他身旁走过。(2)The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight up to the lion,and ...

答:9.在过去五年中,女性超速行驶违章上升了5个百分点,但只占整个超速行驶违章的17%。In the past 5 years, women speeding violation rose by 5 percentage points, but accounted for only 17% of the entire speeding vilolation.10.我们的客户要求70%的信用证金额即期支付,其余部分经试验证明机器...

答:5.我的阿姨 my aunt / aunts 6.在学校 at school 7.一个小城镇 a mall town 8.从周一到周六 from Monday to Saturday 9.一节体育课 a PE lesson 10.一张邮票 a stamp 11.去购物 go shopping 12.浇树 water the trees 13.她的学生们 her students 14.学英语’ learn / study ...

答:explain, understanding related matters concerned 4. This is your ticket, please take, thank you to the Beijing Olympic Games' support, the welcome again.5. Asked how many admission tickets you do have to prearrange?其实我的英文也不怎么厉害,可以用翻译软件啊 比如金山快译 大众翻译 ...

答:5.no progress is regress 6.Discussion on desk only survives on desk qinyx1980,是没几个人能达到你的英语翻译水平。但楼主要的是翻译,不是说教和卖弄 (在下学资尚浅,语义不精,又见他人拿分心切,望楼主将本文仅供参考,多应用他人专业之译,以慰其心)你的英语水平我自愧不如,没想和你争...

答:training before doing the tasks.6. He feels even more confident because of the Speical Olympics World Games 7. You (have the chance / can ) help them fulfill their dreams.8. How can we help people in our daily lives?希望是对的 @@ 我已经想尽办法用最简单的英语。。。

有没有 好心人 帮我翻译几个句子???啊???
答:1.上次是我误解了您的意思,导致了我没有提交该提交给你的文件!! The last time I misunderstood you, as a result I did not submit the document that was meant to be submitted to you.2.我能请求你再说一遍么? Could you repeat (say) again ?3.对不起 ,我忘了带 Sorry I have ...

答:5 Is there a system in place to notify customers when changes are made to products, processes, drawings or specifications which may affect the customer?当产品,生产过程,图纸,或者一些可能会对顾客产生影响的具体规格发生变化时,是否有一个适当的系统来通知顾客呢?6 Does the supplier ...