
作者&投稿:衷褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I hoped that I can each person speak the fluent English with the world. At the same time, I introduce to them China, like Great Wall and Suzhou botanical garden. I will teach the people of the world to understand our country beautiful language.

I wish I could be with everyone speak fluent English. At the same time, I told them to introduce China, such as the Great Wall and suzhou garden. I'll teach the world people understand our country beautiful language.

I hope I could use a fluently English to speak to the people of all over the world.At the same time,I will introduce China to them,such as,The Great Wall and SuZhou garden.I will teach the world people the comely language of our country.

I wish I could everyone in the world speak fluent English. At the same time, I told them to tell us about China, such as the Great Wall and the Suzhou gardens. I would like to teach people around the world to understand the beautiful language of our country.



In recent years, with the constantly advancing quality education, music education community the increasing influence of primary and secondary students, after school music education is limited, we can at any time received any society where music education, and primary objective in mind and subjective state of mind are more susceptible to social influence and the influence of music education.
By social music education of primary and secondary students and to propose a series of studies done to address this phenomenon of contemporary music teachers to change teaching methods and reach of music education practice, community and school music education combined to help the primary school students the purpose of better music education.
Keywords: social music education; primary and secondary students; positive; negative; influence

答:忙的反义词是free,即空闲的意思,free可以表示自由的。1、闲暇,空余的时间;闲置,空余的地方。《吕氏春秋·仲冬》“命之曰畅月” 汉高诱注:“阴气在上,民人空闲,无所事作,故命之曰畅月也。”《三国志·吴志·孙登传》:“至所顿息,又择空闲之地。”宋·郭彖《睽车志》卷一:“偶见此...

答:问题一:聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译 西元之神 的回答最正确, 语意基本正确, 没有语法错误.take your time 感觉是好像你给人家一件事, 让人家慢慢来的意思.在聊天中这样的话一般不字对字的直译, 表达出意思就可以了. 一般可以这样说:I know you are busy, I'll let ...

答:kind of busy a little busy a little bit busy

答:小学英语词汇我找过...全都没有带中文翻译的...麻烦帮我找一个带翻译的...http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/91076173.html... 小学英语词汇我找过...全都没有带中文翻译的...麻烦帮我找一个带翻译的...http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/91076173.html?si=5麻烦帮我翻译一下这个网址的回答者11111111...

答:I will be very busy next week.下周我很忙用英语 翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号的翻译。其中,“翻”是指对交谈的语言转换,“译”是指对单向陈述的...

答:“帮我一个忙”这个短语在英语中的翻译可以是“do me a favor”,它是一个常用的口语表达。在英语中,“do me a favor”通常用于请求别人帮助自己完成某件事情,或者请求别人做出某种行为,这种行为可能会带来某种好处或者改善某种情况。举个例子,如果你需要朋友帮忙照看你的宠物狗一段时间,你可以说...

英语。我有点忙怎么说呢?说i m kinda busy好还是a little?kinda是什么...
答:I'm a little busy 如果真的有点忙,这样说比较好。I'm kind of busy 有点 I am not really busy, I'm just saying this to get rid of you.如果英文发音不好,尽量不要读 "kinda", 因为外国人就算是写 kinda, 说话时还是有个轻微的 f 或 pause 代表 of....

答:忙于某事。【翻译】:1、第一种:be busy doing sth .【举例】:I am busy cleaning my bedroom . (我正忙于打扫我的卧室)2、第二种:be busy with sth .【举例】:Jim is busy with his homework . (吉姆忙于写家庭作业)

答:"In hurry" 给人一种忙乱、匆忙到混乱的形象,强调的是整体的忙碌状态。而 "in a hurry" 给人一种紧迫、忙碌但有目标的形象,强调的是个体的行动和目的。例如:- The students rushed in hurry to submit their assignments. (in a hurry)(学生们匆匆忙忙地提交作业。)- She ran in a hurry...

答:Trustworthy Shanghai city.上穷碧落,下临沧海。ShangQiongBiLa, lincang under the sea.缔就巅峰价值,引领全城轰动。Associating will peak value, lead the city a sensation.尽在上海城。All in Shanghai city.上海城——赤峰市的商业王座!Shanghai city--the business of chifeng city throne!