
作者&投稿:周鹏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
问题一:聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译 西元之神 的回答最正确, 语意基本正确, 没有语法错误.
take your time 感觉是好像你给人家一件事, 让人家慢慢来的意思.

在聊天中这样的话一般不字对字的直译, 表达出意思就可以了. 一般可以这样说:

I know you are busy, I'll let you go now.

You're probably busy, I won't take any more of your time.

具体词可以变换, e.g. I shouldn't, I dont' want to, etc.

问题二:“你继续忙吧”“你忙吧” 用英语怎么翻译、、 keep going

问题三:你忙吧,用英文怎么说 OK.See you.

问题四:哦!那你忙吧!用英语怎么说呢? ok, go on with your work

问题五:你忙吧和你工作吧,用英语怎么说 You take your time.

问题六:你忙吧,不打扰你了英语怎么说 你忙吧,不打扰你了
You're busy, I won't bother you

问题七:你忙吧我睡觉了 用英语怎么说 Please continue your 激ork i am going to sleep now ...

"Busy yourself" 可以用来表达 "你忙吧" 的意思。


答:he lives around the clock burning midnight oil 通宵达旦。very busy,as busy as a bee no breathing time/space

答:well,I'm fine. mind yourself!

你忙吧 现在不打扰你了 以后有空再聊 用英语怎么地道地表达
答:Because you are busy right now, I don't bother you.We can talk with each other when we are free.

答:Sorry to interrupt ,go on.

答:I will dismiss myself since you are busy.

那你忙吧等你有时间再聊 英语怎么写
答:sorry to trouble you,buddy,let's talk it over later,ok?

答:你忙你的去吧 business first. 工作第一 go ahead/go on,(I will take care of myself)去吧,(不用担心我)leave me if you are busy.你忙吧 anyway, you go for your job.好了,你该工作了

他太忙了让我去吧 英语怎么说
答:He is too busy,let me go there.

答:I'am busy now and please do not disturb me 望采纳

城市总是很忙碌 英语怎么说
答:The city is always on the go.on the go就有忙碌的意思,也很形象。