
作者&投稿:畅政 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. I have never smoked a cigarette
2. I always take a shower at night
3. I usually take the bus to school
4. I often have bread for breakfast


Her the current affair is sending her father a letter.

The professor gave ue a talk concerning American history.

He always looks up to hes teachers.

How often does Bob stay up late at night?

答:It is obvious that he is trying his best to hold his breath.我们屏息听她唱歌。We held our breath when listening to her song 2.这些词意思上彼此相关。These words are related to each other in meaning.我能真正理解那首歌的内涵。I can really relate to that song.3.你这么乐观的理由...

答:I am collecting sticker.我正在集邮。I have collected kinds of stickers.我收集到各种各样的邮票。Do you collect stickers?你集邮吗?How many stickers you have collected?你收集到多少张邮票?

答:The tree is too tall so that I can't reach the apple.这棵树太高了以致于我摘不到苹果。 It rains heavily so that we have to put off the sports meeting.雨下得很大,所以我们不得不推迟了运动会。He is so tired that he sleep quickly.他是如此的累以致于他很快就睡着了。T...

答:I shall soon pay the last installment of my debt.不久我将偿付我的最后一期债款。Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.青春期是从少年到成年的过渡期。The principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。

答:1,I won a game yesterday I taught him how to play football yesterday I told her to buy me a computer yesterday I bought some apples yesterday 2, I have had my hair cut today I have done my homework today I have written my thesis today I have seen a film today 3, I ...

答:1.I have original experience.2.My pen is the same as you.3.My shoes is in style.4.I borrowed some money from Yiaoli.5.he maybe won the game.6.This story may be ture.7.I'll pay for the meal.纯属个人愚见,望采纳^^ ...

答:grape---He crushed juice from a grape.他从葡萄中榨出葡萄汁 walkman---I use walkman to learn English.我用随身听学习英语 floor---A Turkey carpet adorned the floor.地板上铺着土耳其地毯。fan---The ears of elephant like fans.大象的耳朵像扇子 computer---You should learn how to...

答:4.right:You are right!5.look:This loook isn't prety.6.love:I love you.7.can:I can water the flowers.8.will:I hope you will get better soon.9.but:She is prety,but isn't smart.10.if:If you like.11.father:My father is a teacher.12.sister:My sister is a student....

答:1 He had powerful enemies who engineered his ruin. (动词)有几个势力强大的敌人在密谋令他下台。2 I wish I can fly. 要是我会飞就好了。3 we walked the length of the street. 我们走完了这整条街。4 his height makes him stand out in a crowd. 他高大的身材令他在人群中很突出...

答:分别计算出其费用年值。3. Such researches will help the company choose the best form for dealing in international trade.这些研究将有助于公司选择最好的从事国际贸易的方式。建议你下载一个语言工具yodao非常好用,词语正规、词汇量丰富 参考资料:yodao.com ...