
作者&投稿:施婷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
make choices about : 在……方面做出选择

1. Am I able to make choices about my life?

2. Students make choices about their future with the guidance of their teachers.

3. Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe.

go for :

Choose :
选择、选取 、挑选

Have you chosen a coat yet?
Choose peace, prayer and calm.

choose form 选择方式

1. The author can choose any form and topic for the courseware.

2. In this thesis, basing on analysis of ordinary office building, the authors choose common form to stand for each system and calculate the annual cost respectively.

3. Such researches will help the company choose the best form for dealing in international trade.


Place make choices about what food we can not eat more .
Place go for a walk with me .


They settled the question.
You can refer to the dictionary when you are in trouble.
They took possesion of the country.
This city has a population of 2,000,000

1 When he is drunk, he is quite unaware of what is going on around him.
2 In our time,it is necessary for us to be dependent on the computer for some of the work we do .
3 He works hard. More importantly, he enjoys his work.
4 Talk to me later. I am busy for the time being.
5 To work as a translator, you need to have a great understanding of the importance of your work.
6 Most of the time,we learn something by making mistakes.
7 Now my computer is always linked to the Internet.

帮我用这几个英语短语造句 谢谢!
答:5. The blood flushed into her face.血涌上她的面部。6. We had a lot of bother finding our way to his house.我们费了很大劲才找到他的家。7. A check is detached from the checkbook.一张支票从支票本上撕下来了。8. The picture makes a good price.这张画可卖个好价钱。9. He...

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答:Will she go to work tomorrow?2.August August is the eighth month of the year.We are going to Hongkong in August.I like August very much. What about you?3.beautiful There are many beautiful flowers in the park.She is so beautiful.I want to buy some beautiful pictures.4....

答:as running 3.Here take English learning as an example这里以英语学习为例 4.Today is not so warm as yesterday~今天不如昨天那么暖和 5.Don't worry,go for it.别担心,尽管一试 6.i win the second place in this match 7.can you show some flowers to me?你能给我看几多花吗?

答:(4)take a taxi:Let's take a taxi.我们坐出租车吧。Shall we take a taxi?咱们叫出租车去吧。Where is take a taxi?我们能在哪里坐出租车。Why not take a taxi?为什么不搭出租车呢?Had I better take a taxi?我是不是最好乘出租车?(5)an ingteresting garden:There is a small ...

英语词组造句 紧急求救!!!
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答:Life will get better because of the being of cities。Please get the book to me.Show your photos to me,please.Remember to bring the umbrella to me,mom.Pass the book to me,please.I won't tell you the truth.She always make me do her homework.Let me do it.您的支持就是我...

急! ! 英语词组造句
答:你不用花钱。from door to door adv. 挨家挨户地(沿门)He gave his gifts from door to door.他挨家挨户地送出他的礼物。I had to borrow money from door to door.我不得不挨家挨户地借钱。I never lend books; you never get them back.我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。The ...