
作者&投稿:度瞿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Sorry to bother you.
Could you do me a favor?
It's my friend's birthday today, I'd like to give her a surprise.
Could you please face the camera and say "Happy Birthday" ?
Thanks a lot.

蒸汽作为动力的工作流体复苏废气通过螺丝扩展器。机械功率通常从外部热源,如燃烧的产品,在郎肯循环系统中,使用蒸汽作为工作流体。然而,近年来,随着兴趣已经使用热源在低温下对权力的复苏,有一个越来越明显的趋势寻找替代工作流体和热源温度高达约200◦C。在大多数情况下,它已经表明,有机郎肯循环系统(兽人),使用光碳氢化合物orcommonrefrigerants代替蒸汽,有其独特的优势。这些液体具有独特的属性和艺术的最佳系统,电力恢复从agiven热源,是基于选择最合适的流体[1 - 5]。

答:Yue Fei and Qin Hui Experience:Join the army of Yue Fei, 20-year-old anti-gold, fighting for 19 years.Qin Hui and Huizong, Qinzong with Jin captured. Go South, the prime minister ruling 19 years. On behalf of the Song to the gold many times to concede defeat, tribute, ...

答:Listen to me……welcome to my party……here……听我说,朋友,欢迎来到我得派对,you and me……let's go……one、two、three……我们一起,1,2,3 drop the beat yo 跟着节奏 yo You don't know that I am a playboy.也许你并不了解我这个玩主 I don't mind because I've so many ...

答:All forward motion counts.所有工作进程计算。There's a big difference between a failure and a fiasco.在失败和惨败之间有很大的不同。Sadness is easier because its surrender.由于放弃所以更容易悲伤。I say make time to dance alone with one hand waving free.我说让一只手自由地摇摆来进行...

答:electronic organ.Always to 5:00 a moment.Then, I will exercise.In the evening, eat the over after meal, I will read book, break break.At 10:00 P.M., I will go to bed the sleeping.My a day ends.实不相瞒,我是上网翻译的。但也进了我的努力,希望你能采纳。谢谢!

答:Caterpillar-卡特彼勒(我的公司)Perkins-珀金斯(卡特彼勒旗下的公司)领导让我翻译一个英文PPT,我英语不是很好,求大虾们帮忙,能翻多少就多少,跪谢!Therefore we are having a safety stand down to cascade this important message.(所以我们有一个安全的不在场人员来发布这个重要的信息)Between May...

答:中国很多少数民族的神话中有着各自信仰的本民族狩猎神。||Chinese have in a lot of myths of national minorities each hunt absolute being from this race believe in.值得注意的是一些中国少数民族例如:怒族、鄂伦春族、彝族、纳西族、拉祜族等他们所信仰的猎神与古希腊神话中的阿尔忒弥斯一样为...

答:In this process, the international rating agencies played a role of fueling to the flame. International rating agencies overestimated the sovereign credit of developed countries generally, so ignored the long-standing debt problems of Greece and other countries. But as the market began to...

谁能给我翻译一段句子,急急急 中文翻译成英文的
答:网络经济是借助网络化、数字化技术而开展的一种全新的经济活动,极大地降低了经济与社会活动的成本,提高了社会运作效率和企业的经济效益。Network economy is a new kind of economic activity using network and digital technology. It greatly reduced the cost of the economic and social activities, ...

答:it is necessary to take. I have confidence in the millions is bound to create new wonders of the world. Then I wish she Laodangyizhuang body, and wear Dagu grid (this is the English name), a carefree, the uncle of a bullish stock, the parents physically fit as a bull, ...

答:可以自己感受一下我的译文~ 相信我~邮箱要发什么?阳光化作呼吸 Sunshine hided in my breath 转瞬之间 In an instant 轻轻拂过 having kissed me on cheeks 呼吸化作私语 Breath turned to be whispers 回眸之间 In a glance 静静掠过。having slipped by in silence 木马依旧旋转,Our merry-go-...