
作者&投稿:后呼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

蒙古语 美丽的牧场


我跟代理公司确认过了,只要是官方出具的原产地证明,基本都是没问题的!只是我附件里面提到的范本,中国的海关验证的比较多。I have confirmed with agent already。As long as the certificate of origin(CO)is issued by the official,mainly,it is no problem.the templates I enclosed are verified by China customs mostly.希望能帮到你

[substract]:The ghost wedding ,also called matched bone, ghost marriage,spirits marriage, is a village custom,which can be classified as "dead with dead "and "dead with live"'.It usually happens when both the bride and the bridegroom die after they are just engaged but not married yet . The elders think their ghosts will bring toubles to their families if their wedding can not be done and need to bury their bone together to make them real couple to avoid lonely tombs, The ghost weddings are symbols of the emotional sustenance and love on the dead.
[key words] ghost weddings village customs feudal religion wedding and funeral ceremony

海贼王里目前到473集出现了多少种恶魔果实?是谁拥有的?有什么能力?详 ...
答:我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 自然系 名称 日文名称 能力者 出处 能力 备注 冒烟果实 モクモクの実 白猎人 斯摩格 100 体质变成烟 可以变成烟雾,烟雾能实体化、困住敌人等等,能力可和火系能力相抗衡 例如艾斯的烧烧果实能力 烧烧果实 メラメラの実 火拳 波特卡斯·D·艾斯 159 体质变成火 可以变...