假设你叫李明你的美国笔友鲍勃将在寒假来北京旅游。请你给他写一封信,告诉他 我想去美国旅游,北京哪个旅行社最好,有什么好的旅行社推荐吗

作者&投稿:植君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Dear Bob,
I’m glad to hear from you. Every home has its own rules. As a family member, I should obey the rules. Most of them are necessary, but I disagree to a few rules which are unreasonable. For example, I am not allowed to eat too many snacks before dinner. I think it’s necessary. Because if I eat too many snacks before dinner, I will not be hungry to have dinner. Snacks can provide us lots of calorie, but they can’t give us enough nutrition. Having healthy food is not only important to my body but also to my study. What’s more, having dinner with my family is a important chance to talk with and understand each other.However, I am not allowed to watch TV. I don’t think it’s reasonable. I think I should be allowed to watch TV for two hours on weekends. Because I am free on weekends and I really need to relax myself by watching my favorite shows. I like watching talk shows and documentaries because they can not only make me happy but also teach me some knowledge. All in all, good rules make me a better person. What about yours? Please write soon.



文景假期服务很差!我们报团时在电话里说清楚的是:目的地是旧金山(通常的理解都是旧金山的市区),结果文景假期偷换概念,在电子行程单里利用我们对旧金山不熟悉的弱势,未经与我们商量,私自把下车地点改为Newark, 并且把我们拼到了一个叫做海鸥假期的旅行团里,最后的下车地点变成海鸥假期自己的下车地点。害的我们在距离旧金山市区一个多小时的另一个城市下车,后来我们只能自己打uber,在晚上10点多钟才赶到旧金山。我们事后积极与文景假期沟通,一开始他们还有回应,说赔偿我们5000积分。我们说已经回国,5000积分没有用,希望把uber车费用现金退还,他们就从此再无音讯。没想到这么个冠冕堂皇的公司,对待客户是如此的不负责任!

答:good rules make me a better person. What about yours? Please write soon.

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