求英语好的大师帮我翻译一下下面这篇文章 不胜感激 求英语好的大师给翻译一下,中翻英

作者&投稿:邗艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




Up nine days to catch the moon, down five oceans to catch turtles

答:Front some performs master to go on stage, his disciple told him the shoelace to be loose. Master nods expresses thanks, squats down carefully is good. When after the disciple turns around, also squats down the shoelace solution pine. Has an observer to see to all these, ...

答:Jade Dragon snow mountain Jade Dragon snow mountain has always been beautiful, but September is the most comfortable when Jade Dragon snow mountain, Lijiang Jade Dragon snow mountain is a sublime landscapes of snow since ancient times, nanzhao effects of chuan mouxun era of the Tang ...

答:As a university student, my future for me or a confused, but my belief has always been a firm must be paid --- return!Competition is the last forever, but how to compete in this world have their own piece of heaven and earth then? University Students Pursue only a lot of...

答:countryside to see.今天我为大家介绍了:北斗七星,室女座,狮子座,天琴座,天鹰座,仙女座 Today I introduce: the Big Dipper, the constellation Virgo, Leo, Lyra, Aquila, Andromeda ,仙后座,猎户座,你最喜欢哪一个呢?, Cassiopeia, Orion, which one do you like best?望采纳!!!


大师帮我翻译翻译这12句话 大一英语 努力学习
答:Read the content of a book first 8. Put a vocanbulary sheet on the wall of washing room 9. continue to ask questions 10. try different ways/methods 11. Write two or three sentences about the main points/essentials of the text 12. longer time than expected.希望能帮到你 ...

答:英语好的哥哥姐姐们请帮我翻译一下下面的文字吧,翻译器翻译的就不用了。谢谢啊 以上三则新闻标题的译文将原标题的主要信息照直译出,因此,都与原文一样具有简洁明了、主旨突出的特点。然而,由于汉英语言的差异,译者在对几则标题进行直接翻译的基础上对译文的信... 以上三则新闻标题的译文将原标题的主要信息照...

求英语好的大师帮我翻译一下下面这篇文章 不胜感激

答:First, you go across a bridge and then you ten left at the crossroad and enter BHR Avenue. You will find the bus-stop and the park on your left and the hospital, resturant and supermarket on your right. Then you need to turn right on the next corner and you will see ...

答:Dear emma :hello!l'm a chinese school. my name is 毛娅雯. and I pleased to write to you. l very much like to watch the Harry Potter, in film, i like the right, is the role of intelligence from her brave. i'm very fond of you, i hope to be in the film in ...