上海野生动物园的英文书写 上海野生动物园英文名

作者&投稿:蔚薛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.The most unforgettable thing is to take a photo with a seal in shanghai wild animal park

2. The kangaroo is just one of 300 ' athletes ' taking part in the annual event , now in its fourth year , at the shanghai wild animal park

3. Located in the mid - point of hunan and nanliu highways in pudong new area , adjacent to shanghai wildlife park , seashore golf course , pudong international for both commercial activity and taking a holiday

4. While the problem of the wilds ' injuring the mankind becomes more and more serious , many cases have come forth in our country , such as the case of elephant mined the farmland in simao ( 1997 ) , the lion ate the man in shanghai zoo ( 2005 ) , etc

5. Situated in the training base at no . 2 bridge nangang road nanhui district shanghai , with the seaside in the east , yangshan deep water port in the south , shanghai wildlife zoo in the west , and pudong international airport in the north , weiwu hotel is only 50 minutes ' drive to the downtown area

Shanghai Wild Animal Park

Shanghai Wild Animal Park



  Shanghai Wild Animal Park

  Shanghai Wild Animal Park is the first national wild animal park established by
Shanghai Municipal Government and State Forestry Administration. It is located
in XuanQiaoTown of Nanhui District in Pudong New Area, and about 35km from
Shanghai downtown and coving an area of 153 hectares (2300Mu). 300 millions Yuan
was invested in this park and this park was opened to the public on Nov. 18,
1995, also SWAP is one of the first AAAAA national visiting spots. More than 200
kinds representative and rare animals form the world were collected in SWAP, and
the number of animal is about 10,000, such as foreign giraffe, zebra, antilope
white rhinoceros and so on, at the same time such as national prior protected
giant panda, snub-nosed monkey, Chinese tiger.

  The park is divided into 2 parts, bus
visiting area and walking area.
In the bus visiting area, you can see gentle
giraffe, elongating his neck and expecting your visit.Here you can also see the
most fast animal in the world, cheetah, who can run 110 km per hour; African
lion, the king of beasts, showing his general deportment; Clumsy bear, begging
food from the passing buses; Majestic tiger, watching the passing buses, showing
his leadership…

  In the walking area, you can enjoy the
world rare animals such as white lion, white tiger, white kangaroo, giant panda,
Chinese alligator and so on. What is funny is you can have a photo with alpaca
camel, zebra and elephant. It is really a good experience and opportunity. In
the small animal garden, you can hug the small animal,feed lovely monkey, and
have the experience of keeper to see personally the miraculously generating.

  Inthe animal showing place, you can see the
big show between human and beast, all kinds of animal showing, beast training
show, the exciting show with the tiger and lion on the same platform.
World-class sea lion show will give you astonishment and thinking. Newly
presented big animal racing of Greyhound, horse of Mongolia will open your

  During the visiting, you can relax as
sitting on the lawn, among the pigeons in square, feeling the long time no
seeing cloud, drinking with friends in restaurant.

  Welcome to SWAP all over the world


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动物园的英语怎么读 动物园英文简介
答:指饲养各种动物并向公众开放参观的园地,多用在口语中,在美国口语中也可喻指“拥挤而乱哄哄的地方”。4、例句:We took two jeeps to go into the huge safari park. 我们搭乘两辆吉普车,进入了广阔的野生动物园。

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答:基础释义:饲养许多种动物(特别是科学上有价值或当地罕见的动物),供人观赏的公园。二、动物园英文:【zoo】n.动物园;混乱状态 【zoological garden】n.动物园 三、双语例句:1.孩子现在逞性子呢,非要去动物园。The ...

广州长隆香江野生动物园 翻译成英文
答:楼上的请注意:"长隆"要翻译成:Chimelong Chimelong Xiangjiang Safari Park Guangzhou 来自于他们的主页大标题 参考资料:http://www.xjzoo.com.cn/