求一篇英语作文~呼吁高三学生调节好学习和生活~~~谢谢啦~~~~ 跪求一篇写大学生活的一天的英语作文,大概300--400词,...

作者&投稿:祖南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
My Spare Time
Nowadays,societies shools families or even students themselves give high shool students too much pressure.To improve learning efficiency and lead a active lifestyle,it's important to remove the high pressure.So.we need something to depart our attention.The thing is our hobbies definitely.
In my spare time,I'd.like to take some aerobic sports such like playing tennis,jogging or playing.basketball.Listening to music is also a wonderful choice.The soft gentle tune make me feel relaxed.I almost forget all those trouble which disturbed me.It's a fascinating thing to go through.
Finally,Knowing how to fix ourselves is a lesson that all of us need to take.

求英语作文一篇关于大学生活的 急~~~~~~~~







谢谢采纳我的建议! !

I had never been busy in my university life. Other than baiduyixia to do my homework, I either play and enjoy or just sleep. Of course, sometimes, I could be busy. That was when I went dating a handsome schoolmate. Dating can make me busy for I had to prepare myself for the hot date. I wash and clean myself, powdered my whole body and spray perfume on my critical areas. I dress to kill before I went for my hot date. I am not goingto tell you how busy during the date. I dare to tell you, we were both very busy.

答:Finally,Knowing how to fix ourselves is a lesson that all of us need to take.

英语作文范文 如何调节高三的学习生活
答:我的 英语作文范文 如何调节高三的学习生活 高三的学习生活紧张,忙碌,当面对不理想的考试成绩时,你会倍觉身心疲惫,因而适当的休息,放松显得尤为重要。你是如何调节自己的学习生活的。要求:1.描述自己目前学习生活。2.对如... 高三的学习生活紧张,忙碌,当面对不理想的考试成绩时,你会倍觉身心疲惫,因而适当的休息...

答:Learning must pay attention to methods, and to improve the nature of the purpose of learning is to improve the learning efficiency. 学习效率的高低,是一个学生综合学习能力的体现。 The level of learning efficiency, is an integrated learning abilities of students reflected. 在学生时代,学习效率的高低...

答:it can come from fights with other people. It can come when we have too many things to do and too little time to do them. It can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want. Since stress can ...

答:This is the most important.由于世界的高度发展,压力已经成为现今一个严重的问题。作为学生,我们也必须面对压力,比如学习压力,考试压力,关系压力等等。但是,怎样缓解压力呢?这是最重要的。Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can...

答:traveling is a must for relieving pressure. You may forget the trouble you used to have in a new environment, enjoying the sunshine and seeing the beautiful scenery. Last but not last, listening to the music can help you to cope with pressure. It’s a great time to communicate...

...如何在压力中寻找快乐,加强锻炼保持健康的英语作文 #65
答:ourselves. Third, we can turn to our teachers and friends for help. Fourth, we can eat healthy food and wear bright-colored clothes to cheer up, and so on. In these ways, we can deal with pressures and difficulties in our study, and we can do better and be happier.

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答:Feeling feelings feels uncomfortable for a lot of people. The truth is that many of us grew up in families that somehow taught us that our feelings and the way we express those feelings are synonymous with each other. As a result we’ve learned to think of anger as ...