用英语翻译一下"参观时,请保持安静" 英语翻译:请大家保持安静,演出马上就要开始了。

作者&投稿:却古 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
参观时,请保持安静:please keep quiet while you are visiting

请勿携带食品和饮料进馆:Please do not bring food and beverage acquisitions

请勿照相:no photographing

请衣着整齐,穿拖鞋者不得入内: Please attire, wearing a pair of slippers are not allowed to enter

馆内禁止吸烟: no smoking

参观时,请保持安静:Visit, please keep quiet

请勿携带食品和饮料进馆:Please do not bring food and beverage acquisitions

请勿照相:Do not photo

请衣着整齐,穿拖鞋者不得入内: Please attire, wearing a pair of slippers are not allowed to enter

馆内禁止吸烟: Museum ban on smoking


“保持安静”的英文是:keep quiet。
英 [kiːp],美 [kiːp]    
v. 保持;保留;继续;贮藏;经营;遵守;供给;照管;饲养
n. 生计;保存;城堡主楼;监狱;围墙
例句:He would keep in touch with us wherever he was.
1、keep a business 经营一家商店
2、keep a diary 记日记
3、keep a family 养家糊口
4、keep a festival 过节
5、keep a good distance 保持相当一段距离

v. (动词)

翻译:Please keep quiet, the performance is about to start.


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