各位英语高手,帮助我翻译一下几句句子吧! 英语高手帮我翻译几个句子吧!

作者&投稿:陀浦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我有一个大衣。 My overcoat is old.我的大衣是旧的。 I want a new jacket.我想要一个新的外套。
I make a jacket out of it.我做一件夹克走出来。 I love my new jacket.我爱我的新外套。
I have a jacket.我有一件夹克。 My jacket is old.我的外套是旧的。 I want a new sweater.我想要一个新的毛衣。
I make a sweater out of it.我做一件毛衣在它外面。 I love my new saeater.我爱我的新saeater。
I have a sweater.我有一件毛衣。 My sweater is old.我的毛衣是旧的。 I want a new scarf.我想要一个新的围巾。
I make a scarf out of it.我做了一条围巾在它外面。 I love my new scarf.我爱我的新围巾。
I have a scarf.我有一个围巾。 My scarf is old.我的围巾是旧的。 I want a new hat.我想要一个新的帽子。
I make a hat out of it.我做的帽子走出来。 I love my new hat.我爱我的新帽子。
I have a hat.我有一顶帽子。 My hat is old.我的帽子是旧的。 I want a new button.我想要一个新的按钮。
I make a button out of it.我做了它的一个按钮。 I love my new button.我爱我的新按钮。
I have a button.我有一个按钮。 But I can't find my button.但我找不到我的按钮。 I minght have lost it.我minght失去它。 Now I have nothing.现在我一无所有。 ????。????。 ????。????。
I make a book out of it.我做了一本书在它外面。 Yhe book tells you that I can always make something out of nothing.粒子形成的书告诉你,我随时可以无中生有。 ?????。??????????。 ?????。??????????。


我有一个按钮。但我找不到我的按钮。我会把它给弄丢了。现在我什么也没有。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?。
我一本书。书告诉你,我最迟报总是可以做出一些无中生有。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?。



我用它做成了一本书。这本书告诉我:我可以无中生有 化静为动

各位高手啊 帮我翻译一下5句英语句子吧~~~

1、我们都渴望听听究竟发生了什么事(be dying to)
We all are dying to listen to what has happened.

2、我们迫不及待地爬上山顶眺望美丽的城市(can‘t wait to do ; overlook)
We can't wait to climb to the peak of the mountain to overlook the beautiful city.

We congratulate him on entering the University of Oxford

Rainbow promises a good weather.

5、如果你做了许诺,你就应该遵守诺言(promise , word)
If you do promise, you should keep your words.

1. Americans have a craze for the sun, a belief that the sun will cure chronic illness and that where there is sunshine there will be a job---or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be unemployed.
2. Amid mounting social discontent over inflation, the government leaders have used swift police action to drive home the futility of public protest.
3. These are disorientating times for younger Americans. After a childhood of suburban ease and coming of age in the years of endless promise, they are now struggling to adjust to a life of contracting limits not suffered by their parents.
4. Somehow a balance must be struck. The government runs the risk of drawing fire from conservative Malay political quarters if plans to boost English fluency appear to threaten the status of the Malay language. But judging from the pragmatism now coloring government development programs, some of the nationalistic obsessions of the past appear to be receding.
5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though unthinkable in these Communist nations just a few years ago, is a far cry from the free-market economics practiced in the West and will probably remain so for a long time.
6. The company’s top executives are all refugees from the country’s bureaucratic and underfinanced state research sector.
7. The anxiety of growing up is attributed to the lack of adult role models and a break in communications between generations.
8. Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.
9. Britain will have the chance in the next few months to try out an emerging technology that could put mobile telephones within the reach of even modest domestic budgets.
10. Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment to work

答:66。你有什么想说的吗?67。你知道邮局在哪儿吗?68。你喜欢旅游吗?69。你介意我在这里抽烟吗?70。你有没有不懂的东西?71。你认为学生应该做兼职的工作?72。你认为你能做到吗?73。你想出去还是呆在家里。74。不管他说什么,不要相信他。75。 不要告诉我怎么去做!希望能够帮到楼主 ...

答:1.我曾经在一家少儿英语学校兼职3个月,没有带班,只是听其他老师讲课 I was doing a part time job in an English language school for children for a period of 3 months. I have not done teaching, but as an observer in classes conducted by other teachers 2.我还没有参加英语等级...

答:1.到明年这个时候,你们将学完英语课程。You'll have finished learning English courses by this time of next year.2.他当医生已10年了。He has been a doctor for 10 years.3.这是我今天喝的第一杯咖啡。This is the first cup of coffee I have drunk today.4.到上月底,她已经花光了...

答:1.我有一个同学叫Kate,她的妈妈是我以前的英语老师。1.I have a classmate called Kate,whose mother was my English teacher before.2.Kate是一个容易相处的人,我们都喜欢她。2.Kate js an easy-going people whom we all love.3.Kate在此次口语竞赛中获得第一,这使得她妈妈很高兴 3.Kate ...

答:1.I'm thirsty and I want a cup of tea.How about you?2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.5. The history museum is near the railway station.6...


答:专业为你解答,全手动翻译,句句包含定语从句 1.As is known to all, China covers 9.6 million square kilometres, which is the third-largest country in the world in land area.2. China has a total number of 55 ethnic minorities and one majority, the Han Ethnic Group, which ...

答:today.14.I received a letter from him yesterday.We haven't got in touch with each other for a long time.15.I have dreamed to travel around the world since an early age.16.I stayed in Australia for six months where life is quite exciting.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答。

答:4. "You are my initial and last love." Boys to the naive romantic first love that. 你是我最初的也是最后的爱,男孩子对浪漫的初恋如是说 5. "You are my last woman." Market situation or the return of a prodigal thoughtful tenderness that.你是我最后的女人,一个回归的浪子陈述道...

请英语高手帮我翻译几个句子 绝对高分追加
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