初一英语的一些题目!(2) 初一英语题目

作者&投稿:耿通 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
(A)13.I heard a dog (barking) in the next house. Did you know what (happened)?

(B)14.I (woke) up at 5 a.m this morning,so I an very sleepy now. --Take good care of (yourself).

1 John and Charlie (arrived) at the hotel yesterday morning.
2.We should (apologize) to others when we do something wrong.
3.The waiter (led) us to the seat and we ordered some food.
4.Without Charlie, John can't go (anywhere).
5.Jack (got) down on the floor to prepare for the performance.
6.Our teacher don't allow us (to fly) paper plane in the clas.
7.The plane (disappeared) in the sky just now . We can't see.
8.His father bought him a iPad. It's very (helpful).
9.Her mother doesn't allow her (to go) out at night.
10.Can you tell me the (meaning) of this word?

The fireman arrived in(改为at) the scene of the fire and rescued them.
Most girls' parents don't allow them (加上to) stay out late.
Ross hates Maths, and he always falls sleepy(改为asleep) in Maths classes.
I always like to sit next (加上to) my best friend.

A;B;arrived ;apologise ;led ;anywhere ;got ;to fly ;appeared ;helpful ;to go ;meaning
The fireman arrived at the scene of the fire and rescued them.
Most girls' parents don't allow them to stay out late.

Ross hates Maths ,and he always falls asleep in Maths classes.
I always like to sit next to my best friend.


13.A 14.B
1. arrived 2 apology 3 leaded 4 anywhere 5 got 6 to fly 7 appeared 8 helpful 9 to go 10 meaning
in变at 在stat 前加to sleepy 变asleep next后加to

选择题答案是A B
填空题是 were arrived be apologying leaded to anywhere getting flying appeared helpful went meaning
改错题是recued改为rescued then改为them ross后应该加上is my前面加to


1.I hope you have a good trip. 希望你有个好旅程
2.The fruit market is on your right.水果市场在你右手边
3.They pass every hotel this day.这天他们走遍了每个旅馆
4.Shanghai is my funny tour.上海之旅很愉快
5.He wants to visit some interesting places.他想浏览一些有趣的地方

让我来帮你吧 let me help you
don't be late for school

be happy, my dear


please don't waste money and time


be careful when crossing the road

Could you give me a hand?

Could you_help_me_with_ _this_?

I decided to tell my father the truth.

I_made_ ___a__ decision_to tell my father the truth.


There were(3,091)traffic accidents in 2007 in our city.

_how_ _many traffic accidents _are__ _there_ in 2007 in your city?

People used (the position of the sun in the sky) to tell time in ancient times。

_what_ __did_ people__use__ to tell time in ancient times。

(in 1283),the British invented the first clock in Europe.

_when_did the British invented the first clock in Europe?


Shops started to sell watches in 1971.

_did_shops _start_ __to__ sell watches in 1971?


To tell time on cloudy days was difficult in ancient times.

__it_was_difficult_ __to__ __tell_time on cloudy days in ancient times.



Computer are very _powerful_ _culculating_ machines.


please don't come home too late please!


Twenty_is_ten__plus ten.


There are thousands of audience __standing_on the square.


What's _the_ newest invention this year?

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