
作者&投稿:东方玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
People all live on the earth. There are alway communications between people, which results in all kinds of interpersonal relationship. And when people get along well with others, friendship occures.

Because of friendship, people help each other; because of friendship, people feel happy during the communication; because of frienship, life becomes more enjoyable. Friendship is an important part of our lives, and all of us should treasure it.


Because of friendship, people help each other, and feel happy during the communication, which results in a more enjoyable life.

People living in the same planet. There will always be among people sharing. Therefore have had a variety of interpersonal relationships. When people get along well, the friendship between the generated.
Because of friendship, people will help each other. Because of friendship, people will feel happy to get along. Because of friendship, life was fun.
Friendship is an important part of life. We should all cherish the friendship.


All the people live on the same planet.
There will always be comunications among them.

All the people live on the same plane,so communication takes place inevitably and then produces a variety of interpersonal relations.When people get along well with each other, the friendship among them has been generated.
Because of the friendship, people help each other;because of the friendship,people live a happy life with each other;because of the friendship,there are more fun in people's life.
The friendship is an very important part of our life,so we should all cherish the friendships in our life.

We human beings are living in the same world, people connected with each other. So it developed to various relationships. When people get on very well, friendship is brought out.
Because of the Friendship, people help each other. Because of the Friendship, people feel happy as they get along with others. And Because of the Friendship, life contains more fun. Friendship is an indispensable(不可缺少的) important part of Life. Everyone should treasure the friendship.


First of all Love your repetition, very effective!!

People all live on the same planet---Earth. There will inevitably be some sort of communication between them; thus created all sorts of human connections. When people are in harmony, friendship is created.
Because of friendship, people will help each other,. Because of friendship, people will be together and feel happy. Because of friendship, there is fun in life.
Friendship is the most important part of life. And everyone should cherish it.


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  About the mid-fifth century, three Germanic tribes: Angles (Angles), Saxon (Saxons) and the Jutes (Juries) invaded Britain. Historically known as the Anglo-Saxon conquest (the Anglo-Saxon conquest). These invaders brought their own dialects, with the gradual integration of these dialects, as Old English (Old English). To the sixth century the British original inhabitants --- Celtics (Celts) or kill, or drive into the mountains, or reduced to slavery. Invaders became a British master, Old English or Anglo Saxon said (Anglo-Saxon) language of the UK, only in some of the Celtic place names in the United Kingdom, into the English language very few Celtic words. Therefore, we can say, with the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain, really the birth of the English language.
  Old English period there were four main dialects: ① dialect of Northern Calabria - - Hung
  Po River north of the dialect; ② dialect --- Mel ranges from Hongbo West River and the River Thames in central England between the dialects; ③ living in Kent, southeast England dialect --- Jutes dialect region; ④ --- West Saxon dialect of the south of the River Thames. Northumbria and West Asia, the two dialects and Mel together Anglia (Anglian) dialect, that is, areas inhabited by the Anglo dialects, the early Old English dialect of Northumbria literature is created.

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