
作者&投稿:段琦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
English is one of most important subjects for students right now, however, for most of us, it is much more difficult to learn well than other subjects.. Many classmates ask me how to learn English well since I have done well in English tests. Here are some of my experiences:

1. The more words you understand, the easier you can learn English well. The English sentences consist of many single words, which are the basic components of English. Unless you could remember lots of words and use them at the same time, you can’t understand English questions well enough and give the right answer. For me, I take at least one hour a day to remember the words.

2. To learn English well, you must use it as frequently as you can, or else, it is easily for you to forget what you just learned in the class if you don’t use them after class. You should use them whenever you have time and opportunities, never be afraid to make mistakes!

3. Reading is the best way to increase your English. You could review the grammar you learned from teacher during the reading. There are also other new words you never see before in plenty of articles. From reading them, you could learn new words along with improving the understanding ability of English sentences, paragraphs and whole papers.

4. Writing the daily dairy in English is the other good way. You don’t need put too many words in one dairy, but you should insist on this. I am sure that your can write a beautiful composition after insisting on writing English dairy for one year.

Everyone has one’s own experience, hope my experience will help you to learn English.Try to be confident!

I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover,which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look forward to my weekend


My dear
I've acknowledged that you are under terrible pressure because of your English grades. Here are my suggestions for you:
First of all, you should recite more new words. What we all know is that words make up the sentences. So enriching your vocabulary is very important.
Secendly, you should read the texts over and over. According to the guidance of the reference books, you will learn lots of the grammar from the texts since the reference books can analyze the texts well.
Last but not the least, listening the tape is also good way to improve your English.
All mectioned above come from my own experiece, I hope they can help you.


bojingyang 2009-2-2 14:30:27 116.2.98.* 举报 拿着英语书去朗读吧,找语感,然后把单词都记住。估计高考弄个100多分没什么问题我就那么做的 0
chenchen12200 2009-2-2 17:12:55 122.194.163.* 举报 互相提问背诵 0
10070168988 2009-2-2 21:36:02 118.125.168.* 举报 多读多写多记 0
rongyuexia 2009-2-2 23:59:38 116.9.11.* 举报 先培养兴趣先,在多读多记多写多想。

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答:Good luck to you Yours sincerely,Tom 亲爱的约翰,我很遗憾听到你在学习上不太如意。我写信是想告诉你,这不要紧,不管你是否取得好成绩,只要你在学习上尽力就行了。刻苦学习是一回事,但要取得好成绩是另一回事。约翰,不要本末倒置。一定要相信你自己。勇往直前。我认为你是一个聪明的学生。

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