
作者&投稿:郗媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
问题一:假如你是李华,你将要参加一个外语比赛,你的外教lucy帮你补习口语,最终你赢了 If you are Li Hua, you will be in a foreign language petition, your foreign
teacher Lucy to help you with your spoken English, you won the final

问题二:独立显卡~! 独立显卡的3D游戏性能比集成显卡好很多,对于看电影而言倒是没什么优势,反正现在集成显卡也可以轻松地硬解码1080P高清.

问题三:假设你是李华,你校的外籍教师mr.johnson即将结束在中国的教学工作返回美国英语作文 “Dear Mr.Johnson,
I know you are leaving for your country,The United States. We are very grateful to your help and training for us.We realy can't tear you away from us.
For a long time,we have been working,studying and living together and have made deep friendship between us.You have been working hard and all us students love you very much.We are proud of meeting you, such a very good teacher.You have set up a good example for us.
At last I hope we can often keep in touch with each other, and hope you have a chance to e to China again. Wel to China forever!
Best wishes for you!
Yours LiHua” 谢谢采纳!
是上一个同样的问题,你太急了点,就差三分钟,我就提交上去了。 英语有问题请找我求助,我定帮你解决。 谢谢采纳!

问题四:英语作文,假如你是李华,你去邀请外教ray 茜生日那天,林一天都没有联系她,她以为是林故意的,为的是给她一个惊喜。这时电话响了,茜拿起电话说:“你死哪儿去了?”只听见对方惊讶地说了一声:“啊?”她问:“你是谁啊?”“我是巩!”她生气地说:“怎么是你呀?”巩淡定地说:“祝你生日快乐!”“谢谢!没有什么事先挂了!”巩说:“那好吧!再见!”巩并没有等到茜的回答,而是对方那边传来嘟嘟嘟嘟的声音……电话又响了,是林打来的,接过电话后,茜急急忙忙的跑到楼下,可是,林看起来很不开心的样子。茜心想,可能是他想给我一个惊喜吧!林问茜:“晚上可不可以不回去?陪陪我!”茜犹豫了一下还是答应了!到了酒店

问题五:英语作文假如你是李华外教marry I get up early in the morning.After breakfast,I go to school by bike.It takes me about twenty minutes to get to my school.I have a morning class,four classes in the morning and four in the afternoon.Class is over at 4:50.I play table tennis with my friends for about an hour after school.I get home at about 6:10.After supper I have a rest.Then I do my homework,listen to music and surf the internet.I don't go to bed until 10:00.

问题六:英语作文:假如你是李华,曾在你校工作的外教susan发来 题干不全,条件不足,无法解答

问题七:英语作文假如你是李华,你去请外教Mr jackson 参加你们班的英语学习交流 在去年夏天暑假,我去姥姥家玩。姥姥家住在博克图,那里有麦田、油菜花、野果林和蔬菜园等。一眼望去,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫七种点缀生活的色彩那里都有。再加上连绵的兴安岭山脉、终年流淌不息的南大河,勾勒出一幅别有风趣的山区景致。

问题八:假定你是李华,你的外教David因有事回国两周了。请你根据以下要点给他写一封信。1.询问他的近况以 Hello David,
How's everything going? When will be back?
Kelly is very well. I walk him everyday after dinner.
I'm fine with my study. Reading every morning and finish homework every day.
Hope you'll be back soon.
Best wishes,
Li Hua



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答:Let's make it next Saturday. I think you can understand me. Now, say sorry again, looking forward to your reply.

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答:问题一:假如你是李华,你将要参加一个外语比赛,你的外教lucy帮你补习口语,最终你赢了 If you are Li Hua, you will be in a foreign language petition, your foreign teacher Lucy to help you with your spoken English, you won the final 问题二:独立显卡~! 独立显卡的3D游戏性能比集成...

答:Dear Mr Smith,I saw your message that you wanted to find someone who could teach you Chinese during your English teaching in our college.Accordingly, I’d like to recommend my friend Mike as your candidate. He is an easygoing person and likes helping others.He has good Chinese ...

答:auditorium. Do you have the time, on behalf of the Student Union invitation to you, want you to act as judges, and then comment on the players ' performance.If you can come, this game will be more perfect. I hope you will accept our invitation. 望采纳~祝您天天happy~~

假如你是李华 ,在教师节来临之际,给你的外教Mr.Smith写张贺卡,表示对他...
答:Dear Mr. Smith, We will hold a meeting at 2:30pm this Friday in the first meeting- room to discuss some details for the English speech contest. For example, when should we hold the contest? Where should we hold it? Who can take part in it? How should we organize it?

假设你是李华, 你班新来的外教Mary希望尽快熟悉班上每个同学的情况。现...
答:hello everyone ,my name is lihua, i'm 1 year-old ,i like music, i want to be superman

答:Paul and Alban:I am sorry to tell you that I can't attend the party because my mother was ill. And thank you for teaching us and hope you will have a nice party!yours sincerely Li Hua 如有帮助 请采纳 再会