
作者&投稿:许穆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
你的大脑是你最宝贵的资产。你需要好好照顾它。下面列表中的10件事,你可以每天练习来锻炼你的大脑:, , 1. Take a nap. ,Refreshing your body can also help you improve brain function, increase memory, and improve your mood. Even just 15 minutes can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life. So take a nap, feel refreshed, and help your brain all in one.,为你的身体补充能量还可以帮助你改善大脑功能,提高记忆力,改善你的情绪。即使只是15分钟的睡眠也可以对你的日常生活产生巨大的影响。所以打个小盹可以感觉神清气爽,帮助你的大脑好好运转。, , 2. Do something creative just before going to bed. ,When you’re tired, your brain can be more creative. Take advantage! Whether you’re writing the next great American Novel or dusting off the old paint brush and canvas, finding your creative outlet just before going to bed can yield great results. So tap your inner Picasso and create something beautiful. Just don’t fall asleep with the brush in your hand.,当你疲劳时,你的大脑会更有创造力。应该好好利用!当你写下一部伟大的美国小说或翻出旧油漆刷和画布,在睡前发挥创造力可能会产生不错的效果。所以挖掘你内心的毕加索并创造一些美丽的东西。不要手里拿着刷子打瞌睡。, , 3. Focus on one task at a time. ,Did you know that it’s literally impossible for your brain to multitask? By focusing on one task at a time, you can keep your brain working at maximum capability and acplish more than you imagined. Find a task you need to finish and focus solely on it. Leave the phone in the other room, turn the TV off, and focus. Your brain will thank you.,你知道你的大脑同时完成多件事是不可能的任务吗?一次专注于一项任务,你可以让你的大脑保持最大工作能力,完成结果可能会超过你的想象。你需要找到一个任务来完成,并只关注它。把手机放在另一个房间,关掉电视,集中注意力。你的大脑会感谢你的。, , 4. Do cardio. And exercise. ,You’ve heard that cardio leads to a healthier, better body. But it also helps the mind. Find 15-30 minutes a day and get moving! You don’t need a gym membership or any fancy equipment. Just a walk around the neighborhood can do wonders and benefit your brain.,你一定听说有氧运动会让你有一个更健康的身体。而且它还可以帮助大脑。每天找15 - 30分钟,行动起来!你不需要一个健身房的会员卡或任何昂贵的设备。只是在附近散步也可以创造奇迹,使你的大脑获益。, , 5. Write. Like on a real piece of paper ,Computers, iPads, tablets, *** artphones and the connection to the inter everywhere means it’s being less and less likely that you will pull out a piece of paper and write. But research suggests handwriting makes you *** arter. So leave the puter on your desk during your next meeting and write your notes.,电脑、ipad平板电脑、智能手机和互联网的连接意味着你拿出一张纸书写的时间变得越来越少了。但研究表明书写可以让你更聪明。所以下一次会议时离开书桌上的电脑,手写笔记吧。, , 6. Take a multi-vitamin daily. ,Your car needs oil, your *** artphone needs a battery, and your brain needs nutrients. A daily multi-vitamin will ensure that you get your body what it needs. And it will help your brain according to research from the British Journal of Nutrition. Pro-tip: Take your mutli-vitamin with a healthy *** oothie to get your day off to a great start.,你的车需要石油,智能手机需要电池,你的大脑需要营养。日常多种维生素能保证你得到你的身体需要。根据《英国营养学杂志》上的研究,它会帮助你的大脑。提醒:带上你的维生素健康奶开始一个美好的一天吧。, , 7. Learn a new language. ,Learning a new language is one of the best ways to benefit your brain. It forces your brain to adapt. Learning a language can enrich your life and help you explore new culture, but also has great benefits for your brain. So grab your Rosetta Stone or use a free service like Duolingo and learn something everyday.,学习一门新语言是你的大脑中获益的最好方法之一。它迫使你的大脑学会适应。学习一门语言可以丰富你的生活,帮助你开拓新的文化,但是对大脑也有极大的好处。所以抓住你的罗塞塔石碑或者使用免费服务如Duolingo来学习新知识。, , 8. Play Words With Friends. ,The hit game Words with Friends is addictive, yes, but also has great benefits for your brain! Research has found that Scrabble or other word games help increase your IQ and improve your brain power. So play your favorite variation of “jabberwock”and have fun with your friends while benefiting your brain.,和朋友打游戏的话是令人上瘾的,确实如此,但对大脑也有很大的好处!研究发现,拼字游戏或其它文字游戏可以帮助提高你的智商和提高脑力。所以玩你最喜欢的“炸脖龙”,和你的朋友玩得开心,你的大脑会从中受益。, , 9. Meditate. ,Meditation is one of the best, oldest forms of relaxation. But it also helps your body and mind! The benefits for your brain found in this study show that meditation benefits nearly every part of the brain. So spend time every day in meditation! You’ll feel more relaxed and truly will be in a better state of mind.,冥想是一个最好的,最古老的放松形式。但它也可以帮助你的身体和心灵!这个研究表明冥想对大脑的好处几乎体现在大脑的每一个部分。所以每天花时间在冥想!你会感觉更放松,真正拥有一个更好的心态。, , 10. Be optimistic. ,Being optimistic not only helps you enjoy life, it also does wonders for your brain. When you think positively, research suggests that your brain can be a huge beneficiary. So start taking life with the glass half full approach and help your attitude and your brain.,乐观不仅帮助你享受生活,它也对你的大脑有作用。研究表明当你积极思考时,你的大脑会非常受益。所以开始使用玻璃半满的方法看待生活,帮助你的态度和你的大脑。,在开学季到来之时,网校贴心地推出一系列专享优惠课程,一起来看看吧。,新概念英语1、2册连读【开学季专享班】,新概念英语2、3册连读【开学季专享班】,新概念英语3、4册连读【开学季专享班】,新概念英语2、3、4册连读【开学季专享班】 (推荐理由:初中水平起点,经典教材系统学习,人工批改,答疑;加赠50学币,全套教材) ,英语零基础直达大学四级【开学季专享班】,英语零基础直达大学六级【开学季专享班】 (推荐理由:网校学员人数第一,零基础系统学习,一课时低至5元。加赠50学币,全套教材) ,声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。


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