
作者&投稿:丑晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





  A few months after Tom and I were married一during World War II, he was shipped off to Pearl Harbor. In one of his first letters,he wrote,"I'm going to have a Navy battle-ship tattooed on my chest.”


  Instead of pleading, I answered simply,“Send me a pitcture of your tattoo,and I'll have a duplicate put on my chest. "


  We have been married for 51 years. Neither of us has a tattoo.




  A customer at my teller's window was grumbling about the low interest rate on his savings account. He finally said he was just going to take all his money out of the bank,dig a hole in his back yard and bury it.


  The teller next to rne leaned over. "Sir,I couldn't help overhearing. Tell me, what is your address?".




  My little girl loves animals,but one day she was bitten by a small field mouse she'd found. She carried it home in her pocket and told me what happened. Worried about rabies,I called our town humane society and was told that the animal would have to be examined, and they'd send someone for it.


  When the humane-society truck pulled up,a big man got out,put on a pair of gauntlets and took a capture stick and a big cage from the back of the truck. Trying not to laugh, I handed him a small shoe box containing the mouse.



  "Lady,"he said,seeing my expression, "they only told me it was a wild animal. "




  My first waitressing job was in a coffee shop. We featured a lunch special called "Tuna Salad Surprise",a tuna sandwich served with soup and chips. When our sandwich maker didn't show up for work one hectic Saturday,we had to prepare our own sandwiches.



  A man sat down and ordered the special. I raced to the sandwich board,prepared the order,poured his coffee and rushed to the next customer. Later,as I delivered his check,he noted politely that he had never. eaten a potato-salad sandwich before. Horrified at my mistake,I asked,”Why didn't you tell me it was potato salad instead of tuna?"



  "I thought that was the surprise.”




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