高手们请帮我把英文:Genuine Leather 翻译成法语和越南语~小弟感激不尽. 请帮忙把以下英文翻译成法文,高手请进: Face-Synth...

作者&投稿:错燕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Genuine Leather 的中文意思就是[真 皮]的意思
越南语:Da Thực sự
[Da (皮革)Thực sự(真正的)]

法语:Cuir Véritable
[Cuir (皮革)Véritable(真正的)]


法语:Genuine Leath (cuir véritable)
越南语:Leather (da thật)

Genuine Leather法语


我,有很多事情(要做) 我,每天好运 我,有一个人 我,我有一个很大的愿望。我是一个无拘无束的小女孩

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femmes XL
des femmes M
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高手们请帮我把英文:Genuine Leather 翻译成法语和越南语~小弟感激不...
答:Genuine Leather 的中文意思就是[真 皮]的意思 越南语:Da Thực sự[Da (皮革)Thực sự(真正的)]法语:Cuir Véritable [Cuir (皮革)Véritable(真正的)]

genuine leather是什么牌子
答:genuine leather其实不是牌子,而是真皮的意思。GENUINE LEATHER真皮手表,是使用动物的皮制作加工而成的,概念上相对于人工使用化学纤维材料制成的人造革。市场上所说的真皮一般是头层皮、二层皮、和合成皮。三种皮的价格依次递减。我们可以通过一下三种方法辨别是不是真皮:1、嗅味 凡是真皮都有皮革的气...

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答:Chinese original text: In this semester, I am chiefly grinding away chapter one, two, three and twelve from the book what is called <The Career Plan>. In these four chapters, it talks emphasizely about the concept about "I" in the career, and the relationship between me and ...

答:Although fake smiles often look very similar to genuine smiles, they are actually slightly different, because they are brought about by different muscles, which are controlled by different parts of the brain.仅管假笑经常和真诚的笑看起来差不多,但实际上他们有轻微的不同,因为他们是由不同...

答:状语:in our ability to re-establish the moral ends of ourlives,介宾短语to re-establish the moral ends of ourlives做定语修饰ability。2、主语:a winner 谓语:is 表语:one who responds authentically by being trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as amember...

答:没有借贷和借款剩余,虽然,我们的住宅所有权的高速率可能将制造问题,经济减慢。To recover from recession, economies need prices to fall until they reflect genuine supply and demand. With certain kinds of assets, like stocks, these adjustments take place quickly, sometimes viciously so. ...

答:Leather is a genuine natural product and therefore some of the animal’s characteristic marks such as veins, creases and scars still remain visible and should be appreciated as an original mark.皮革为纯正自然产物,因此存在着血管,折痕,疤痕等动物皮肤特征;这些特征也代表了皮革的真实性。...

答:1、防伪标签的视觉识别 新标签“中国行货”六个字为激光定位,烫印白色效果,使手对准。并用激光镭射英语真实真实的单词,从不同角度观察彩虹效果。2、防伪标签二维码扫描查询 未打开的标签具有16位安全码和彩色二维码。 用户发送文本消息和电话查询。 16位安全代码用于在官方网站上标识机器的真实性。3、...

答:20% say goods are genuine and the price is fair, however, there are also shoppers being fooled by the online sellers. After the purchase, 36% of the shoppers said they were generally satisfied with what they bought, and 18% are satisfied.(ii) The effect taht online shopping ...