
作者&投稿:孙迹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



The Moon at Mid-Autumn Festival

At the time the moon shines even brighter

What if it's even brighter

How many waxes and wanes

Has the moon gone through

Don’t discuss the moon’s waxes and wanes

But cherish the good time on earth

Really good time

I wish to see year after year

The full moon at Mid-Autumn


Over the sea the round moon rises bright,

And floods the horizon with its silver light.

In absence lovers grieve that nights should be,

But all the livelong night I think of thee.

I blow my lamp out to enjoy this rest,

And shake the gathering dewdrop from my vest.

Alas! I cannot share with thee these beams,

So lay me down to seek thee in my dreams.


In memory past of osmanthus blooms, a chalice reflecting blossoms, reflecting the moon. An old position i once again resume, yet cloud enshrouds, yet rain obscures.

A query to heaven upon winds afloat, yet the path passes not, yet my message reaches not. Chamber by candle-flame cast in crimson coat, of drink a chalice finally drained, of song an end finally obtained.


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