四年级音乐之声英语手抄报内容 四年级英语手抄报可以写什么内容

作者&投稿:恭琼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
In 1930's Austria a young nun is finding it hard to adjust to her new life in the abbey. The Abbess decides that the best thing to do is to send the nun (called Maria) into the world to discover life. She is sent to the von Trapp family to work as a nanny for Captain v Trapp's 7 children. V Trapp is a widowed ex-naval capt who lost his job when Austria lost its coast after the Treaty of Versailles. He is a proud nationalist and is worried about the rise of the far right in neighbouring Germany and talk of a union. V Trapp runs his household like a ship because he knows no other way and is in deep grieving for his wife. When Maria arrives on the scene she is met with opposition from the children and is put-off by the captain's attitudes. In time however, she builds bonds with the entire family, especially Liesl, the eldest child, whom she guides into womanhood, filling the void of Liesl's absent mother.

The captain is engaged to the Baroness, a woman whom the children dislike and with reason - she loves their father not them! Gradually, however, over time Maria and the Captain fall in love, the Baroness realises this and fabricates a story to make Maria want to return to the abbey, but Maria has helped the v Trapps rediscover music, and through that, happiness. She returns to them and the Baroness finally accepts that Maria and the Captain are meant to be together. They marry, but on returning from their honeymoon are confronted with the awful new of the occupation of Austria. Capt v Trapp is summonned immediately to fight for the Nazi High Seas fleet, but he opposes the Nazis and will not conform, thus putting his beloved family in danger. The v Trapps decide to escape over the border to neutral Switzerland, but their plan is discovered and they are forced to escape in a very unconventional style.


答:In 1930's Austria a young nun is finding it hard to adjust to her new life in the abbey. The Abbess decides that the best thing to do is to send the nun (called Maria) into the world to discover life. She is sent to the von Trapp family to work as a nanny for Capt...

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