《守望者》中罗夏日记全文,最好是中英对照版 求罗夏日记,要完整的(全部)(电影守望者的字幕有太多了有没有...

作者&投稿:兀有天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Rorschach's journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach。


This city'safraid of me.I've seen it's true face。


The streets are extended gutters ...and the gutters are full of blood.And when the drains finally scab over...all the vermin will drown。

The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder...

will foam up around their waists...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout,"Save us。" And I'll whisper,"No。" 

街道只是另一种排水沟,而排水沟里流的是血,当排水沟最终毁掉的时候,所有的歹人都会淹死。他们的性和谋杀积累起来的罪行…会把他们淹没,所有的娼妓和政客会大喊,“救命” 我会轻轻地说,“不”。








1:Rorschach's journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach. (罗夏日记,1985年10月12日。早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。) 2:This city'safraid of me.I've seen it's true face. (这个城市害怕我,我见过它的真实面孔。) 3:The streets are extended gutters ...and the gutters are full of blood.And when the drains finally scab over...all the vermin will drown.The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder...will foam up around their waists...and all the whores and ... 展开全部>
136森林狂想曲 | 2014-03-02
1:Rorschach's journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach. (罗夏日记,1985年10月12日。早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。) 2:This city'safraid of me.I've seen it's true face. (这个城市害怕我,我见过它的真实面孔。) 3:The streets are extended gutters ...and the gutters are full of blood.And when the drains finally scab over...all the vermin will drown.The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder...will foam up around their waists...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout,"Save us." And I'll whisper,"No." (街道只是另一种排水沟,而排水沟里流的是血,当排水沟最终毁掉的时候,所有的歹人都会淹死。他们的性和谋杀积累起来的罪行…会把他们淹没,所有的娼妓和政客会大喊,“救命” 我会轻轻地说,“不”) 4:Now the whole world stands on the brink...staring down into bloody hell.All those liberals and intellectuals...and smooth talkers...and all of a sudden,nobody can think of anything to say. (现在整个世界正站在悬崖边上…看着悬崖下的末日。所有的自由主义者,知识分子…和能说会道的政客,都突然不知道该说什么。) 5:Beneath me ,this awful city.It screa***ike an abattoir full of retarded children...and the night reeks of fornication and bad consciences. (我下面的城市,就像充满尖叫的智障儿童的屠宰场…在夜晚到处都是奸情与罪恶。) 6:Tonight,a comedian died in New Yorl.Somebody knows why. (今晚,喜剧演员(守望者之一)死于纽约。有人知道为什么。) 7:Fine like this. (这样就很好。) 8:Attack on one is attack on all of us. (袭击一个人,就是袭击我们所有人。) 9:When you walk down the street in a city dying of rabies...past the human cockroaches...talking about their heroin andchild pornography...do you really feel normal? (当你走在死于狂犬病的城市街道上…经过流氓无赖的身边…听他们谈论海洛因和幼女色情…你真觉得正常么?) 10:No.You're hiding in plain sight. (不,你是藏在显眼的地方。) 11:Rorschach's journal:First visit of evening fruitless.Feel slightly depressed.Soon there will be war.Millions will perish in sickness and misery.Why does one death matter anainst so many?Because there is good and evil,and evil must be punished.Even in the face of armageddon...I will not compromise in this. (罗夏日记:第一次拜访徒劳无功。感觉有些压抑。很快就会有战争。数百万人将会死于疾病和痛苦。为什么其中一 个人的死就这么重要?因为存在正义与邪恶,而邪恶必须被惩罚。即使世界末日就要到来


I heard joke once.
Man goes to doctor, says he’s depressed, life seems harsh and cruel, says he feels all alone in threatening world.
Doctor says treatment is simple, “The great clown Pagliacci is in town. Go see him. That should pick you up.”
Man bursts into tears, “But doctor,” he says. “I am Pagliacci.”


1:Rorschach's journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach. (罗夏日记,1985年10月12日。早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。) 2:This city'safraid of me.I've seen it's true face. (这个城市害怕我,我见过它的真实面孔。) 3:The streets are extended gutters ...and the gutters are full of blood.And when the drains finally scab over...all the vermin will drown.The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder...will foam up around their waists...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout,"Save us." And I'll whisper,"No." (街道只是另一种排水沟,而排水沟里流的是血,当排水沟最终毁掉的时候,所有的歹人都会淹死。他们的性和谋杀积累起来的罪行…会把他们淹没,所有的娼妓和政客会大喊,“救命” 我会轻轻地说,“不”) 4:Now the whole world stands on the brink...staring down into bloody hell.All those liberals and intellectuals...and smooth talkers...and all of a sudden,nobody can think of anything to say. (现在整个世界正站在悬崖边上…看着悬崖下的末日。所有的自由主义者,知识分子…和能说会道的政客,都突然不知道该说什么。) 5:Beneath me ,this awful city.It screa***ike an abattoir full of retarded children...and the night reeks of fornication and bad consciences. (我下面的城市,就像充满尖叫的智障儿童的屠宰场…在夜晚到处都是奸情与罪恶。) 6:Tonight,a comedian died in New Yorl.Somebody knows why. (今晚,喜剧演员(守望者之一)死于纽约。有人知道为什么。) 7:Fine like this. (这样就很好。) 8:Attack on one is attack on all of us. (袭击一个人,就是袭击我们所有人。) 9:When you walk down the street in a city dying of rabies...past the human cockroaches...talking about their heroin andchild pornography...do you really feel normal? (当你走在死于狂犬病的城市街道上…经过流氓无赖的身边…听他们谈论海洛因和幼女色情…你真觉得正常么?) 10:No.You're hiding in plain sight. (不,你是藏在显眼的地方。) 11:Rorschach's journal:First visit of evening fruitless.Feel slightly depressed.Soon there will be war.Millions will perish in sickness and misery.Why does one death matter anainst so many?Because there is good and evil,and evil must be punished.Even in the face of armageddon...I will not compromise in this. (罗夏日记:第一次拜访徒劳无功。感觉有些压抑。很快就会有战争。数百万人将会死于疾病和痛苦。为什么其中一 个人的死就这么重要?因为存在正义与邪恶,而邪恶必须被惩罚。即使世界末日就要到来

答:Rorschach's journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach。罗夏日记,1985年10月12日。早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。This city'safraid of me.I've seen it's true face。这个城市害怕我,我见过它的真实面孔。The streets are extended gutt...

答:1:Rorschach's journal,October 12th,1985.Dog carcass in alley this morning,Tire tread on burst stomach. (罗夏日记,1985年10月12日。早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。) 2:This city'safraid of me.I've seen it's true face. (这个城市害怕我,我见过它的真实面孔。) ...

答:《守望者》里面有个角色叫罗夏:罗夏的日记:1985年10月12日 早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎碾过。这个城市害怕我,因为我见过它的真面目,街道只是另一种排水沟而水沟里流淌的是血,当排水沟最终崩坏的时候,所有的歹人都会被淹死。sex和谋杀积累起来的罪行终会把他们淹没,所有的changji与政客会大喊...

答:...and so little time. 罗夏日记 10月13日 1985年 Rorschach's journal, October 13th, 1985... 晚上8:30 ...8:30 p.m. 与夜枭会面之后 嘴里残留着不好的味道 Meeting with Dreiberg left bad taste in mouth. 那个在自己地下室啜泣的软弱失败者 A flabby failure who sits whimpering in his basemen...


答:said a man go to see the doctor, said he was depressed, life seems harsh and cruel, said he was threatening world feel very lonely, doctors say the treatment is simple: "great clown Pagliacci to come, to see his show, that will cheer you up".Man bursts into tears, "but ...




答:至于守望者什么意思,我想罗夏最能说明该组织的宗旨,即:永不象黑暗,罪恶妥协,这也是罗夏最后为此牺牲也在所不惜的缘由, 守望者组织包括罗夏,夜枭二代及丝鬼二代,还有那个比子弹还快的聪明人,以及喜剧演员,蓝博士,那个喜好同,性,恋的女战士,以及把喜剧演员揍了的那个穿的象古代行刑的刀斧手,在影片中罗夏日记曾逐个...