没钱不要跟我说话英语怎么翻译 没钱我不要,英文什么说

作者&投稿:迪凭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
你好,正确的说法是这样的,有很多种:Don't talk to me if you don't have money.这样最简单,容易,而且都能懂,很常用。希望答案可以帮助你,如果有问题请加我百度HI.我可以详细为你解答。

Don't talk to me if you have no money!
No Money, no words!
Shut up if you are poor!

Don't talk with me if you don't have money.

Don't talk to me if you have no money.

Don't talke to me you pauper.



I have no money.(最通俗的说法)
I have no cash.(没现金的时候说,很地道)
I`m low on cash.(同上)
I`m short these days.(我这几天手头很紧,就是没钱)
I`m running low myself.(我口袋空的啦)
I`m broke until payday.(发工资前我口袋空空)
I`m broke myself.(我破产了,形容没钱)`

No money,No possibility.没钱就不可能.

答:你好,正确的说法是这样的,有很多种:Don't talk to me if you don't have money.这样最简单,容易,而且都能懂,很常用。希望答案可以帮助你,如果有问题请加我百度HI.我可以详细为你解答。

答:“除了天上掉钱就不要打扰我了”需要用“but that”作为虚拟语气条件翻译为 Don't trouble me but that there were money dropping from the sky.

钱对我来说一点都不重要 的英语怎么字
答:你好,很高兴为你翻译,答案如下:Money is not important to me at all.希望能帮到你,如果还有不明白的地方,欢迎追问,望采纳。

答:人工翻译:No talking about money to the consignee,if any question , let me know first.(口语点吧)

答:翻译:In addition he has never asked me for money and I do not speak。

答:Money is not that important to me.Money does not matter much to me. 注意一定是Matter...to...表示对谁重要。两种说法都是正确的。

答:You! listen carefully, this is the last time I tell you again, don't disturb me again! Isn't it the matter of money? Take it, you lamentable men.

答:Don't let me under the pressure of money.

答:I have neither money nor shame.或倒装句语气更重:Neither money nor shame do I have.

答:我被坑钱了。翻译的重点在“坑”,结合上下文的意思,“坑”在这里是指被人欺骗而受到损失。故而应当翻译为:I was cheated, lost money.重点词汇释义:cheated:作弊; 欺骗,哄骗( cheat的过去式和过去分词 ); 欺诈; 已婚或有固定性伙伴的人与他人有秘密性关系 lost:失去的; 迷路的; 不知所措...