as的用法 recommend的用法,show的用法。

作者&投稿:羊修 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

同样地, 被看作, 象
与...一样, 当...之时, 象, 因为
[域] American Samoa, 东萨摩亚
[军] Air to Surface, 空对地


To the same extent or degree; equally:
The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale.
For instance:
large carnivores, as the bear or lion.
When taken into consideration in a specified relation or form:
this definition as distinguished from the second one.

To the same degree or quantity that. Often used as a correlative afterso or as :
像,如同:同等的程度或量,常用作关联词后置于so 或 as :
You are as sweet as sugar. The situation is not so bad as you suggest.
In the same manner or way that:
Think as I think.
At the same time that; while:
slipped on the ice as I ran home.
For the reason that; because:
went to bed early, as I was exhausted.
With the result that:
He was so foolish as to lie.

Great as the author was, he proved a bad model. Ridiculous as it seems, the tale is true.
In accordance with which or with the way in which:
The hotel is quite comfortable as such establishments go. The sun is hot, as everyone knows.
Informal That:
I don't know as I can answer your question.

That; which; who. Used aftersame or such :
that;which;who。用在same 或 such 后:
I received the same grade as you did.
Chiefly Upper Southern U.S. Who, whom, which, or that:
Those as want to can come with me.

In the role, capacity, or function of:
acting as a mediator.
In a manner similar to; the same as:
On this issue they thought as one.

as is
Just the way it is, with no changes or modifications:
bought the samovar as is from an antique dealer.
as it were
In a manner of speaking; as if such were so.

Middle English
from Old English ealsw³} * see also
源自 古英语 ealsw³} *参见 also

Traditionally, a distinction has been drawn between comparisons usingas . . . as and comparisons using so . . . as. Theso . . . as construction is traditionally required in negative sentences ( as in Shakespeare's“ 'tis not so deep as a well” ), in questions (as inIs it so bad as she says? ), and in certainif clauses (as in If it is so bad as you say, you ought to leave ). But thisso . . . as construction is becoming increasingly rare in American English, and the use ofas . . . as is now entirely acceptable in all contexts. · In a comparison involving bothas . . . as and than, the secondas should be retained in written style. One writesHe is as smart as, or smarter than, his brother, not He is as smart or smarter than his brother, which is considered unacceptable in formal style. ·In many dialects,as is used in place of that in sentences like We are not sure as we want to go or It's not certain as he left. This construction is not sufficiently well established to be used in writing. ·As should be preceded by a comma when it expresses a causal relation, as inShe won't be coming, as we didn't invite her. When used to express a time relation,as is not preceded by a comma:
按传统用法,用as…as 表比较和用 so…as 表比较二者有别。 so…as 结构传统上用于否定句,( 如莎士比亚“不如井深” ), 和疑问句中(如在如她所说的那样糟糕吗? ), 和某些if 从句中(如在 如果象你所说的那样糟,你就该离开 )。 但so…as 结构在美国英语中日趋少见, 而在所有语境中使用as…as 现在则是完全可以接受的。 在有as…as 和 than 同时用作比较时, 在书面语中,第二个as 应该保留。 一种写法He is as smart as,or smarter than,his brother,(他如他兄弟一般聪明,甚至超过他了) ,而不应写成 He is as smart or smarter than his brother, 这在正式文件中被认为是不可接受的。在很多方言中,用as 代替 that 如 We are not sure as we want to go 或 It's not certain as he left 。 这种结构在书面语中尚不成立。当as 表示一个因果关系时,前面应有逗号, 如She won't be coming, as we didn't invite her。(她不会来这里,因为我们没有邀请她) 。 当用于表示时间关系时,as 前没有逗号:
She was finishing the painting as I walked into the room.
She was finishing the painting as I walked into the room(我走进房间的时候她刚好画完画)。
When a clause introduced byas begins a sentence, care should be taken that it is clear whether as is used to mean “because” or “at the same time as.” The sentenceAs they were leaving, I walked to the door may mean either that I walked to the door because they left or at the same time that they were leaving. · As is sometimes used superfluously to introduce the complements of verbs like consider, deem, and account, as inThey considered it as one of the landmark decisions of the civil rights movement. The measure was deemed as unnecessary. This usage may have arisen by analogy toregard and esteem, whereas is standardly used in this way:
当as 引导一个从句且位于句首时,应注意弄清 as 是表示“原因”还是表示“与…同时”。 句子As they were leaving,I walked to the door 既可表示我向门口走去,因为他们离开了,也可表示在他们离开的时候,我向门口走去。 as 有时赘用,引导动词的补助成分诸如 consider,deem, 和 account, 。 如在他们将此认为是民权运动的里程碑。 认为此测量标准不必要。 这种用法也许源于词的类比用法regard 和 esteem , 在此as 这种形式的用法是标准的:
We regarded her as the best writer among us.
But the use ofas with verbs like consider is not sufficiently well established to be acceptable in writing. See Usage Note at because ,equal ,like 2so 1than
但在书面语中as 与动词连用象 consider 等尚不能完全被人们接受。 参见 because,equal,like2so1than
so As not to
以便不, 免得
so As to
so long As
so much As
As above
如上, 同上
As against
与...比较; 比起...来
As... As any
不亚于任何一个; 不比别的差
As ... As anything
极为; 非常
As ... As ... can be
到了...的程度; 极其...
As ... As ever
永远; 依旧, 仍然
自古; 至今; 空前 (He is As brilliant a politician As ever lived. 他是古今最卓越的政治家。)
[与one 或you can 连用时]尽可能地; 越...越好(Be As quick As ever you can. 越快越好)
As for
至于; 就...方面说来
As from
As if
好象...似的; 仿佛...一样
As though
好象...似的; 仿佛...一样
As is
[口]照原来的样子; 不予改变; 本来就是这样
As it is
事实上, 实际上; 照现在的样子
As they are
事实上, 实际上; 照现在的样子
As it were
仿佛, 好象, 可以说
As many (much) As
到...程度; 多达; 同量的
As of
在...时; 到...时为止; 从...时起
As to
谈到; 关于
As well
倒不如, 还是...的好; 最好...还是(It will be As well to stop that young screamer. 但是最好还是让那个大哭大叫的孩子住声。)
同样; 也
As well As
也; 又
As well ... As not
反正都行; 都一个样(You may As well go there As not. 你去不去都行。)
As yet
[多用于否定句中]到现在为止; 到那时为止
A-you were!



一)as作副词,表示程度,意为“同样地”。在“”,“not”结构中的第一个as是副词,作“和/与...(不)一样”解。eg:Jack is as tall as his father.杰克和他的父亲一样高。He doesn't speak English as/so fluently as you.他的英语说得不如你流利。二)as作介词。1.作“如,像”解。eg:They got united as one man.他们团结得像一个人一样。2.作“充当,作为”解。eg:As a writer,he was famous.作为作家,他是很有名的。三)as作连词,常用来连接主句和状语从句。1.引导时间状语从句,作“当...的时候”解,有“随着...”之意,与while意义相近,强调两个动作同时发生;或某事一发生,另一事立即发生。eg:He shouted aloud as her ran along.他一边往前跑,一边高声地呼喊。I was startled as he opened the door.他一开门,我吓了一跳。as作连词,相当于when。eg;As a little boy (When he was a little boy)he began to learn to play piano.他小时候就开始学弹钢琴。2.引导原因状语从句,作“因为,由于”解,与because的用法相近。eg;I must stop writing now,as I have rather a lot of work to do.我必须停笔了,因为我还有许多工作要做。3.引导方式状语从句或比较状语从句,作“正如,(如)像”解。例eg:As in your country,we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south.正如(像)你们国家一样,我们在北方种小麦,在南方种大米。(方式状语从句)When at Rome,do as Romans do.入乡随俗。(方式状语从句)4.引导让步状语从句,作“虽然,尽管”解。这时从句常用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as之前。eg;Strange as it may seem,it is true.尽管这事看上去很奇怪,但却是真的。Try as he might,Tom could not get out of the difficulties.不管怎样努力,汤姆还是摆脱不了困境。四)as作关系代词。1.引导限制性定语从句,用在“”,“the”,“”等结构中,常译作“像...一样的人(或物)”,“凡是...的人(或物)”。例eg:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was.他曾希望做一个像雷锋那样的人。My hometown is no longer the same as it was.我的家乡再也不像过去一样了。2.引导非限制性定语从句,用来指代它前面的整个句子(即先行句),意思是“这一点”。这个分句可以位于句首、句中或句末。eg:As is well known,oceans cover more than 70% of the earth.我们知道,海洋占地球面积的百分之七十以上。

1. =Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁-撒克逊人;盎格鲁-撒克逊语;盎格鲁-撒克逊人的;盎格鲁-撒克逊
2. =antisubmarine 反潜艇的
3. =Asia 亚洲;亚细亚
4. =Asian 亚洲的;亚洲人;亚洲人的

recommend 动词,意思是 “推荐,介绍;劝告,建议”。其结构有:
1) recommend sb. ... (= recommend ... to sb.) “向某人推荐/介绍„„ “. 例如:
Can you recommend me a good dentist?你能给我推荐一个好的牙医吗? Perhaps you can recommend me another hotel. 或许你能给我再介绍一家旅馆。 2) recommend sb. for... “推荐某人做(某职位)”。 例如:
I'll recommend him for the job. 我要推荐他做这项工作。 3) recommend sth. for... “推荐某物作某种用途”。例如:
I recommend these pills for your cough. 我向你推荐这种药治疗咳嗽。 4) recommend sb. as... “推荐某人为„„”。 例如:
I'll recommend him as her secretary. 我要推荐他当她的秘书。 5) recommend doing sth. “建议做某事”。 例如:
I recommend buying this dictionary. (= I recommend you t0 buy this dictionary.)我建议你买这本词典。
6) recommend + that-clause“建议„„”(从句中用should + 动词原形,should可省去)。 例如:
He recommended that we (should) read the novel. (= He recommended us to read the novel.)他建议我们读一读那部小说。 【点拨】 recommendation n.推荐;介绍信

The learned scholar recommended that he ______ until after he had learnt anatomy.
A. will not take up sculpture B. had not taken up sculpture
C. not take up sculpture D. not took up sculpture
【答案解析】C 本题考查对虚拟语气的特殊词的用法的掌握。recommend后跟虚拟语气,省略should,后面直接跟动词原形,从四个选项中便知答案为C。题意为:“学识丰富的学者建议他学了解剖,再学雕塑。”

show sb.sth展示
show sth. to sb展示
all over the show [口]到处, 遍地
be the whole show [美]充当主要角色; 唱独脚戏; 包办代替
be fond of show 喜欢卖弄
bench show [美]狗[猫]展览会
boss the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
run the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
by a show of hands 举手表决
chat show (电视台)现场访问节目
dumb show 哑剧; 手势
fashion show 时装展览
floor show 夜总会席地节目演出
for a show 为夸耀, 为给人家看
get a fair show [美][澳]得到公平[合适]的机会
give away the (whole) show 露马脚, 泄露秘密
give sb. a fair show 给与表现机会, 公正地对待某人
go to show 说明, 证明
good show [口]显著成绩
have a show of 有机会, 有可能
have the show of 有机会, 有可能
stand a show of 有机会, 有可能
stand the show of 有机会, 有可能
have sth. to show for 在...方面有可显示的成绩
hush-hush show [讽, 口]极端秘密的事
in dumb show 打着手势
in open show 公然
in show 外表上, 有名无实地
leg show 大腿舞
let the whole show down 搞垮整个事情
make a good show 好看, 大出洋相
make a show of sth. 卖弄, 显示; 展览; 装样子
make a show of oneself 丢丑, 出洋相
meat show [美俚]卖弄色相的脱衣舞
on show被展出
one-house show 经费不足, 效率不高的小商店, 小企业
picture show 画展; 电影, 电影院
put on a show 假装, 装病
put up a good show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]
put up a bad show 演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]
quiz show 智力竞赛节目
quiz program 智力竞赛节目
raree show 西洋镜[景]; 街头演出
road show 巡回演出; (首轮影院的)新片放映
run away with the show [美俚]取得特别突出的成就, 成为人们注意的中心
run the show 操纵; 主持(演出)
side show 穿插的小节目; 枝节问题, 次要事件
stand no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
stand no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
have no show of sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
have no show to do sth. 没有机会, 没有任何计划
steal the show 抢镜头
stop the show 赢得热烈的掌声而使表演为之中断
talent show 业余能手演唱会
talk show [美](电视、无线电)访问节目, 座谈节目
whole show 整个组织, 全部活动 唯一重要的人物, 显要人物, 注意中心
Wild West show [美]牛仔戏
show forth [古]公布于众, 发表, 宣布
show in 领进(客人等)
show into 领进(客人等)
show itself 呈现, 露出
show off卖弄, 炫耀 陈列; 使显眼
show of hands 举手(表决)
show of reason 似乎有理
show oneself 出现, 露面
show one's cards 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算
show one's colours 摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算
show one's hand 表明自己的计划或意图
show one's heels 一溜烟地逃走;[美]【体】追过, 大显比赛的优越本领
show one's teeth 发怒
show sb. the door 逐出, [美]拒绝要求
show out 送出(客人)
show sb. over 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. round 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. around 领某人(到处)参观
show sb. what one is made of 向某人显自已的才能、力量、品德等
show the wing (用飞行访问)显示空军力量
show up 到席, 露面; 显眼; 暴露; 揭发; 嘲笑; 使人难堪

答:1、S是Mrs或Miss的缩写。在邮件称呼中,在姓氏后面加“S”,表示对女性的称谓,如姓陈,陈S表示陈女士,是省略了“MS”里的“M”,男士称呼用“R”。2、表示“小”,来自英语“small” 。3、如S号,代表小号 4、超人(superman)'s加在单数名词或不以s结尾的可数名词复数后面,构成所有格,也...

答:1、s在清辅音后发音为[s],单词举例:books 2、s在浊辅音及元音后读[z],单词举例:girls 3、s在[s]、[z]、[ʃ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ]、[з]等音后-es发[iz],单词举例:noses 4、以“o”结尾的动词,加“es”,读[z],单词举例:goes 5、词尾se在字母r,l,n后读作[...

答:一、s用于 1、单数形式 2、复数形式但不是s以及es结尾的单词 例:the boy‘s apple.那个男孩的苹果。boy是单数 二、s撇用于复数形式且以s或es结尾的单词 例:students' homework.学生们的作业。students为student的复数,以s结尾。

答:一、一般来说,s在元音或浊辅音后读[z},在清辅音后面读成[s],在[t]后与[t]在一起读成[ts],在[d]后与[d]一起读成[dz]。例:cups杯子、days日子、hands手、hats帽子。二、以s,sh,ch,x结尾的词在词尾加-es,读[iz]。例:classes班级、buses公共汽车、boxes盒子 、watches手表。三...

英语's 用法
答:2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches.�3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.�4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs.�5)以o结尾的名词...

答:复数s的用法 可数名词的复数 1)名词+S cake---cakes, chair---chairs 2)以s,ss,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,名词+es class---classes watch---watches 3)以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改为i,再加-es story---stories 4)如果是元音字母+y,则直接加-s boy--boys play---plays 5)以o结尾的...

答:在英语中,一般现在时(Simple Present Tense)使用'S'或'ES'的规则与主语的人称和数有关。当主语是第三人称单数(他/她/它)时,在动词的末尾要加上'S'或'ES'。以下是具体的用法:1. **普通规则**:对于大多数动词,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词末尾加'S'。- 例如:He runs, She watches...

答:1、's有三种用法:(1)主要是用于动物单数或人名个体的所有格,表示“谁的”。比如my dog's ball 我小狗的球,Jim's book 吉姆的书.(2)用于不规则的复数名词后,表示整体“的”。例如:men's restroom 男洗手间,children's teacher 孩子们的老师。(3)当某件物品同时属于两个或两个以上的...

答:1、含义不同:'s表示所有格,意思是“……的”,如:China's economics(中国的经济)。s'是多数名词的所有格,意思是“……们的”如:my classmates' friends(我同学们的朋友)。2、单复数不同 两个都表示名词所有格:前者是单数或集合名词;后者是以s结尾的复数。当名词是作为一个整体的词组时,...

答:2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches.�3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.�4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs.�5)以o结尾的名词...