求一位高中英语老师帮我批改一下这篇作文。。。 可以帮我批改一下这篇英语作文吗

作者&投稿:阳修 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm Li Hua from China. It's my great honor to be be chosen to represent Chinese studnets to attend World Water Party .The topic of my speech is "No water, no life .
As is known to us all ,water is the foundation of life, which plays a significant role in our life. We can't live without it .For example , we must use it to wash our hands and faces. We also have to drink it every day for our health . Farmers need it to irrigate their fields . Factories need it to produce goods .
But nowadays, you will find water is extravagantly wasted.here and there . People tend to use water without realizing it is limited . They often use water at an excessive amount and thus much water is wasted.
It's shocking to see how severe the pollution can be. With the rapid development of industry,many factories have produced many lethal chemicals and poured them into the water , causing deaths of fishes, aquatic animals as well as plants. People living by the river also throw waste into the river , therefore the water is polluted little by little .
So it is high time that we took measures to prevent this situation from deteriorating. Firstly, our government should ban those factories which have produced many pollutants and pass a law to limit how many pollutants one factory can produce. Secondly, as individuals, we can use less water and stop polluting it.
I hope one day this situation will get better.


但是有些生僻词汇 在您的高中学习阶段出现的几率极低
一段一句 my speech 后 today去掉
二段一句a significant 改为更便于理解的 an important 二句 can't wash 后 our 去掉
三段一句的被动语态引用的相当棒, is extravagantly wasted 可以改为便于理解的 is wasted seriously
四段一句the pollution 直接跟is 去掉can be
四段二句and 到 ignored 表述不明确,建议去掉
四段三句 into the wather 后可以加 without dealing 逗号去掉 改为which引导的定语从句 修饰限定前面的致死化学物 which can cause the death of fishes
五段一句that we must take measures 您的整篇文章是采用的一般现在时,这里的took建议用原形
The goverment should pass a law which not only to punish the factories who makes pollutions seriously but also to limit the pollutions they can made each day.
五段三句,we can use less water这句跟上句联系不是十分紧凑,我推断您的意思是想说同时我们生活中也要注意节约用水吧,那么建议您该句改为:we must save water by many ways in our daily life, we should stop wasting and polluting it.

  Ladies andgentlemen,
    (Good afternoon.)I'm Li Huafrom China. It's my great honor to be here. The topic of my speech today is"No water, no life."
    As the foundation of life, water plays a significant role inour life. We can't wash our hand without water. (这几句之间分号更佳)We can't drinkwithout water. What's worse(To make it worse),without water, we can't even live(其实前面已经提了“as the foundation of life”,总觉得表意重复).
    But(However,) nowadays, wateris extravagantly wasted. People tend to use water without knowing exactly whatthey are going to do with it(表意明确一些为好:without knowing how much exactlythey need). They often usewater at an excessive amount and thus much water is wasted.
    It's shocking to see how severe the pollution can be. Withthe rapid development of industry and the responsibilities people refuse totake being ignored, many factories have produced many lethal chemicals and pouredthem into the water, causing deaths of fishes, (other)aquatic animals as well as plants.
    So it is high time that we took(take)measures to prevent this situation from deteriorating. Firstly, our government should ban those factories which have produced many pollutants(produce不是问题所在,而是discharge才是问题所在) and pass a lawto limit how many (restrain the quantity and types of)pollutantsone factory can produce(discharge). Secondly, asindividuals, we can (save water by cutting the use ofit)use less water and stop polluting it(stop不可能,从逻辑上来讲应该是try to avoid contaminating it).

  I hope one day this situation(最好指明是什么situation, 因为这是结尾段) will get better (with all our effort).



  1. 尝试避免出现太多重复的字眼,比如pollute可以用contaminate替换,污水也可以说drainage,词汇看得出有用心,还可以继续提高。

  2. 逻辑上不够严谨。如就算工厂会产生污水,不意味着它会排放污水,万一它由良好的净水系统呢?我能理解作者的意思,可是正如文中所标示的一些东西,总觉得读起来思维不顺畅。





Should we help strangers? (即使是标题也不用每个单词都大写,你又不是专业论文)

AT A YOUNG AGE, we WERE taught to help AS MANY PEOPLE as we can, no matter HOW LITTLE DO WE KNOW THEM.

Recently, there are increasing number of people SPOKE OUT against THIS TEACHING/IDEA. Whether OR NOT we should help strangers ONCE AGAIN BECAME a question (OR BETTER YET: BECAME A DEBATE).

Some people claimed that it is always a good quality for people to help OTHERS. They INsist that if we can help each other and care for each other, we can RESOLVE with many problems by ourselves rather than RELY ON the government. Our society needs love. Everyone SHOULD not want to be LEFT alone when in trouble just because you are a stranger.

People who VOTE FOR not helpING strangers have their own reasons. Recently there are many instances about people who helpED OLD PEOPLE THEY MET ON THE STREET but WERE IN TURN SUED BY THE PEOPLE THEY HELPED. You MIGHT have a good heart (OR BETTER YET: YOUR INTENTIONS WERE GOOD), but helping strangers do have potential riskS.

As far as I am concerned, helping others is a traditional virtue. We can't give it up because of some BAD PEOPLE. If we have a warm heart and IF WE ARE sincere, we will have the power to solve the problem (WHAT PROBLEM?).


答:we must use it to wash our hands and faces. We also have to drink it every day for our health . Farmers need it to irrigate their fields . Factories need it to produce goods .But

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